chap 5 ; that vet chick

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we are now driving to the vet in jake's coffee brown honda cruise.

the puppy is now sleeping on my lap while jake is focusing on the road and driving.

me - "hey um jake"

jake - "yeah jane?" he said not taking his eyes off the road.

me - "taking care of a puppy is hard and expensive. really expensive, i don't think we could afford the things he needs"

jake - "jane. when i turned 17, my parents gave me a whole load of money. the money that my parents gave me was for this apartment and this car. but i still have millions of money in my bank account because i never spent the money i got when i turned 16, it'll be alright. everything will be taken care of. okay?"

me - i smile at him and say "okay."

(i kinda fan girled over this part because duhh, tfios moment!)

after 40 minutes of driving from the apartment to the vet.

we finally reached the vet and parked in the very front so that it won't be a long walk after the pups check up.

jake came out of the drivers seat and opened the door for me.

"why thank you sir" i smile at him.

"no problem" he says and returns a smile.

god he's killing me!!!

jake and i walk side by side while i carry the puppy in my arms.

i'm surprised this little minion is still asleep. after having to go through a really bumpy road.

onence we reached to the counter and said why we're here.

we sat down and waited for 10 minutes....

* 10 minutes later *

a pretty woman came out of the door wearing a scrub with lots of animals on it. she has lovely red straight hair up to her waist, and a beautiful smile. she looks my age too.

"jake peter and kaylen jane?" she says looking around

"um right here" jake raises his hand.

and she smiles "follow me"

we stood up and followed behind her.

we went into this cute room.

i put the puppy down on the puppy bed. (i don't know what it's called lol)

the lady took a seat in front of her computer and we took a seat as well.

i glance at jake who is keeping his eyes on her. not looking away.

i sigh.

what if he falls in love with her?

but that's not the problem right now.

focus on the puppy's health.

okay, got it.

"hi. i'm lora, and i'll be the doctor for you're puppy" she says with a smile.

"hi lora, it's very nice meeting you" jake says with a smile.

they shake hands and lora instantly blushes.

lora - "so what is the problem?"

you're the problem.

jake - "well i found this puppy beneath a fence and he got stuck. so i helped him out and brought him home. he has a pretty bad scratch on his back"

lora - "oh okay. that sounds horrible"

well no crap woman! of course it is.

lora stood up and went to check on the puppy's back. and she starts writing on her clipboard.

she comes back and sits back down facing us. but looking straight at jake, not paying any attention at me.

lora - "well the scratch on his back is not serious, it looks big, but it's not serious, all you gotta do is wash him up so the germs from the cut would go away, and giving him medicine twice a day will help him recover. in a few weeks the scratch will heel, but leave a scar"

jake - "oh okay. that doesn't sound bad" he flashes a smile at her.

and she flashes one as well.

lora - "so is there anything else i could do for you?"

jake - "yes actually. we were here to also shower him. if that's okay with you"

lora - "that's perfectly okay. i'll shower him right now and you two could wait in the lobby"

jake - "that would be perfect"

lora - "alright then"

she stands up and gets the puppy in her arms.

while jake and i wait at the lobby patiently.

* 30 minutes later *

the door opens and i could see our puppy running towards us with his mouth open and his toungue sticking out.

i have to admit.

it's really cute.

i instantly put a smile on my face as he jumps in my arms licking my face.

"hey boy. how are ya?" i say petting his head.

he barks in response.

lora comes walking out the door smiling and carrying her clipboard.

jake quickly got up and walked up to her.

"so was he hard to shower?" he asks.

"no, he was really still. he wasn't freaking out unlike other dogs" she giggles.

jake didn't say anything but smile.

they both went to the cashier and i followed with the puppy in my arms.

lora - "okay the check up plus the shower plus the medicins is $150"

jake quickly gives the money

and after lora was done putting the money in the cash register.

she goes over to the back to get the medicine and writed something on a paper.

she folds it and put's it inside the medicine.

when she was done.

she closed it tightly and walks back at the cash register.

"so here is the medicine" she hands jake the medicine

"thank you" he smiles

we slowly walk out and jake turns his head

"have a good day lora!" he waves and smiles

"you too" she does the same.

he has a crush on her.

i just know it.

and she has a crush on him.

a part of me jusy suddenly broke.

and i looked down with sadness inside me.

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