chap 17 ; will you?

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* 5 months later *

jake and i are still together.

everything is perfect.

but we're not official yet.

today jake asked me out to dinner, and i gladly said yes.


jake - "JANE!!"

i quickly sat up from watching pretty little liars because jake's voice scared the crap out of me.

i took a big sigh

me - "UM YEAH JAKE?!" i yell


i groan and stood up and quickly did a messy bun, not caring how ugly i looked.

i walk towards the door and see someone.

the person looked up from the ground revealing his face.

i gasped.

me - "anthony?"

anthony's my ex boyfriend,

he was my very first and serious relationship,

until i went on vacation for a couple of weeks with my family and jake's family, and i come back home knowing anthony cheated on me with two other girls.

i look to anthony's face with anger

me - "what are you doing here?" i ask burrowing my brows together, looking angry as ever

anthony - "oh, um well is it okay if i talk to you alone"

i look up to jake and see anger all over his face.

he looks down at me and i nod telling him yes.

he then sighs and tells anthony he's only 5 minutes to talk to me.

i walk out the room and close the door behind,

i lean my against the door and wait till anthony spoke.

anthony - "look, i'm sorry about what happened between us last time. i made a mistake, a big one. and it's not like you've never make mistakes. i just wanna restart"

anthony says walking up to me and holding both of my hands and starring deep into my eyes.

i let go of his hands and lose eye contact with him,

me - "look anthony, i make mistakes too.. but you cheated on me with two other girls and you told them you were single"

my eyes started to get blury because of the tears, but i refuse to let them come out out.

anthony - "but kaylen, you have no idea how sorry i am, after we broke up i became a different person. i still love you"

then anger started to fill me again..

me - "yeah well sucks to be you anthony, a girls trust is hard to get, and i trusted you. that was my biggest mistake. bye anthony, kiss my ass goodbye"

i snap at him.

i open my apartment door and slam it in front of his face.

jake standing in front of me but i just passed by him and sat on the couch, putting my hands over my eyes and groan.

i remove my hands and stare up into the ceiling

jake comes over and sits next to me.

jake - "kiss my ass goodbye? that was a pretty good one"

jake chuckles

i look into his eyes, an then at the clock,

i realized that it's 7 pm and we have to get ready soon.

me - "jake, we have to get ready"

jake looks at the clock then turns back to me

jake - "yeah we should. don't wear anything fancy, kay? just wear something comfortable"

me - "we're going on a date and you want me to wear something comfortable?"

jake - "we're going to have a picnic at the beach"

i look at him shocked, but smile because i love going on little dates instead of fancy ones.

me - "okay"

we both got up and started at the room.

i took a pair of sweatpants

one of jake's sweatshirts

and a pair of uggs

i went inside the restroom and changed into the outfit.

after changing i put my hair into the messy bun and removed my eye contacts, and then headed out.

before i left the room, i took my eye glasses and put them on.

i head out and find jake wearing his sweatpants, and a sweatshirt.

jake turned his head and smiled at me.

he walked up to me and his arms around my waist and kissed my lips.

"you look beautiful" jake whispers in my ear

i look down and blush.

jake takes my hand and interwines then together, we head out and walk to the beach because it wasn't that far.

once we arrived at the beach, my eyes were glued on a soft read cloth on thr sand, and a big basket on top.

jake leads me to the spot and we sit.

me - "this is really cute and romantic jake" i say and smile

jake took out 2 slices of pizzas and 2 bottles if coke.

me - "thank you"

we ate and finished our pizza and drank our coke.

i layed down on my back and jake layed next to me.

"jane, can i ask you something?" turns his body to face me

i turn my body "yeah sure, what is it?"

"will you be my girlfriend?"

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