chap 27 ; 5 year olds

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kristine is jake's auntie, from his mom's side.

she doesn't want us calling her aunt kristine or anutie because she feels old.

but kristine is actually really cool, she's fun, lovable, and funny to be honest.

"hey darlings, i just came over to visit you two! cause i miss you both so much!" she came in and hugged us both.

we all took a seat at the dinning tabe and chit chatted.

"so how long are you planning on staying here kristine?" i ask her nicely

"for 2 days or 3" she replies

"well anyways, what's been going on between you two? have you made a move on her jake?" she asks jake

"actually, we're dating" i tell her

her eyes widened and her smile became bigger

"OH MY GOD THAT'S FANTASTIC!" she says and claps her hands

"we're not dating" jake tells her

her clapping stops and her smile turned into a frown.

"what?? you just ruined my happy moment!" she told him

"we're boyfriend and girlfriend!" he tells her, smiling at her

her frown turned into a bigger smile and she started clapping her hands again.

"that's way beyond fantastic! i knew you two would get together some how" she tells us

"yeah well, we have been by eachother's side since we were 4" jake adds in

"anyways. so what's for dinner? i didn't eat anything on the plane, not even drink anything!" she tells us

"oh, i'm sorry kristine, but we ran out of food because someone ate it all" jake says pointing his thumb at me

i slapped his shoulder playfully.

"hey! if a girl's hungry. she's hungry! she won't stop eating until it's all gone" i tell him

"yeah, everything in the refridgerator is GONE!" he tells me pointing at the fridge

"you two are the cutest couple ever. you still fight like 5 year olds. it's really adorable" she laughs at us

"do we still look adorable?" jake flutters his eyes like a girl and does the puppy eyes.

kristine shakes her head. "um, nope" she says popping the 'p'

"well damn, it's nice to see you again too" he leans back and does his grumpy face (which he fails at), and folding his arms like a little kid.

"language" she tells jake

"but auntie that wasn't even a curse word!" he tells her

"don't call me that! i feel old. and to me, it is. so shut it peter!" she tells him and pretends to zip her lip and throws the imaginary key away

"stop treating me like a 5 year old!" jake whines

"well you sure act like one. it's surprising seeing you move to college" she tells him, and laughs a little about her sarcasm

"okay you two, now both of you sound like 5 year olds" i giggled

"i think we should eat out tonight" jake suggested

"yes! that sounds awesome!" i smile widely and my mouth turned into a huge smile

"but don't eat to much jane, i don't want to pay a lot because of your appetite!" he laughs at himself

"oh, so you're calling me fat?" i say and raised a brow at him


i stood from my chair and sat on his lap

"get off me!" he says trying to lift me off his lap.

but i was holding onto his neck, so if he decided to make me fall, he'll fall face first.

"not until you admit i'm not fat!" i tell him

"come on you two! i'm hungry as heck! jake say sorry to your girlfriend, girl's feelings get hurt easily" she tells him

"yeah jake. you kinda broke my heart there" i say and look down

trying to hide the grin i was making

"fine. i'm sorry i called you fat, and let's be honest, you are pretty light" he tells me

i look at him and laugh at him.

"okaaay. let's get changed, i'm starving!" jake yells and then runs to the room

"where's you luggage kristine?" i ask her

"it's in the lobby, but for now i'll stay like this, now go change" she tells me

i nod and head in the room.

i go through my closet trying to figure out wich outfit to wear.

i finally picked one! it's casual, but i think it's cute.

outfit ;

plain white shirt

purple scarf

light blue jeans

brown uggs

hey, at night it gets pretty chilly.

i walk in the bathroom and change into it.

after changing i put my hair in a messy bun and aplied some makeup.

i jogged out of the room and into the living room.

"READY!" i yell as i walk out of the room

"okay, let's go" kristine says as she got off from the couch

she exited through the door,

and jake grabbed my hand,

he places a soft, but long kiss on my lips.

"you look gorgeous, even with casual clothes on" jake whispers in my ear

i couldn't help but blush.

we started walking out and lock the door behind us.

kristine was already at the lobby waiting for us.

we walked out of the apartment building and hopped in jake's car.

sorry for the boring chapter

i decided to publish another chapter today.

i'll do the other chapters tomorrow (:

- Lalaloveyouu

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