chap 19 ; sweet dreams

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how can this be happening?

i thought today was supposed to be the most best, and happiest day of my life.

but no, my mom is in the freakin hospital!

jake and i quickly drive to the hospital, not caring how fast we went.

we then park at the parking lot and rush inside the hospital.

we run up to the counter holding hands, jake pulling me and me following behind.

"kristi jane" jake says to the lady at the desk

"6th floor, room 17, second door to your right" she replies back

we quickly run to the elevator and go in.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!!" i say counting the floors

we run down the hallway and stop at my mom's room.

we walk in slowly.

i then burst into tears and let go of jake's hand, and run to my mom who is alseep and attatched to all these wires.

when i reached her i fall on my knees and hold her left hand tightly, not letting go of it and sob next to her.

jake puts his hand on my shoulder and i look up to him.

tears streaming down his cheeks and sniffling.

we heard a knock on the door and turn our heads.

we see a doctor and i quickly stand up, letting go of my mother's hand.

"how is she?" i ask the doctor.

"hi, i'm doctor adams. you're mother here got into a really terrible accident, we brought her into surgery right when she got here. but the surgery failed, lots of blood went inside her heart, and when opperating on her, her heart stopped. i know you're wondering why she's still here. you see, these machines are the ones keeping her alive, and she is in a coma. we called you to decide wether we should keep her here, or stop the machine"

i can't believe this is happening.

their asking me if i should stop the machine which is keeping her alive, or keep her here stuck in the hospital

"oh my god"

i then burst into tears and sob onto jake's shoulder

"i'll give you time to discuss. and you're brother is comming soon. just call me when you finally made your decision"

the doctor walks away leaving us.

i go back to the same position i was ealier and sob onto the sheets where my mother was lying on.

jake sits next to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

he is also sobbing on me.

"NO NO NO NO!" we turn our heards and see kevin and amanda running to mom.

"god dammit! why!" he goes down on his knees and does the same as i was doing.

amanda took a seat on one of the chairs and put her hands on her face, sobbing into them.

i look up to kevin.

"kevin, we have to make a decision" i tell him

i wipe the tears away and stand up

"a decision?" he looks up at me confused

i took a sigh "these machines are the reason why she's alive. but she's in a coma. and their asking us if we should stop the machine, or leave her here"

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