I Will Stay So The Lantern In Your Heart Won't Fade

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Keith jolted awake at the sudden sound of the healing pod he was leaning against opening. He quickly jumped to his feet, the blanket which somehow got draped over him (he didn't take one for himself) fluttered to floor as he held his hands out to catch Lance who was falling face-first from the healing pod, events of what happened just after his shower played through his mind.
* * *
As soon as he finished getting cleaned up, Keith made his way back to the medical bay with the healing pods. The rest of Team Voltron plus Matt were still there.

"There he is, c'mere Keith, now that you've freshened up we can fill you in on everything," Hunk said, motioning for him to come closer and listen to him.

"What was the information they found out?" he asked.

"Well, get this, the Galra have been using those cargo ships to transport genetically fused power sources that might have the capability to be implanted into metals! It's amazing but very dangerous, and on a molecular level it can rip apart atoms then stitch them back together, but only when it's reacting to a very specific subatomic frequency. And if it doesn't then it can charge up to over a hundred thousand nuclear watts and create a massive combustion of genetic quintessence that could go so far as to wipe out Kerberos form here! Oh, did I mention that the power was quintessence? Well it is, and it's almost completely pure, as if it was extracted from another comet that was the same of the likes that was used to build the lions!" Matt exclaimed!

"So...what was the information they found out?" Keith asked again, only he looked more confused than before.

"Well you remember how the Alcharians melded their tech with living cells? This is that but backwards and it being implanted in quintessence. But if not carefully used it will go boom," Pidge simplified.

"But...where did that quintessence come from? I'm sure we would've noticed another comet filled with it flying around space somewhere," Keith replied.

"That's what we're going to figure out," Allura said. "If I am connected to the lion's, then maybe I can use that same connection, manipulate it a little, and hunt down that comet. If it's filled with so much raw quintessence than I should be able to find it, somehow." She looked away, completely lost in her head.

Matt walked over to her and laid his hand on her shoulder. She jumped slightly at the sudden touch but put her hand over his and smiled gently at him when she looked over.

"She's not wrong, but it will take a lot out of her, so she's just brooding on us not letting her do it just yet. We also thought that we should wait until Lance was out of the pod to start the hunt," Hunk said, looking over at Keith. He just nodded in response.

"Well I'm going to hit the training deck while we wait," Shiro said from his spot next to Pidge. He looked up at Keith who shook his head.
"I'll stay here for a while."

"I'll join you Shiro, some physical activity may help me focus my thoughts on the information that was just handed to us and maybe even help with figuring out the encryption code. It's a lot to process," Pidge said, holding her head.

"Only if you're up for it," he replied with a small smile.

"I'm going to go start on dinner," Hunk had said, slowly walking out the door. He cooked to get his mind off of things, it was a comfort for him, so that's what he went to go do.

"If you don't mind Princess, I want to talk to you and Coran about a few things, ways we might be able to help each other in this war more than we already do," Matt said, his hand still resting on Allura's shoulder. She blushed again.

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