I Will Pray So The Castle That We Built Won't Cave

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It had been a day since the two boys got better and things were already back to normal. Despite Pidge's knowledge on the whole situation they fibbed to the others, saying that when the storm started they were found each other and decided to wait for the others. They said that after a while of waiting they started walking around until they became drenched and then went back to their room.
* * *
"So what really happened?" Pidge asked when they were alone.

"Well, remember that rough patch that we mentioned?" Pidge nodded. "Well that was kinda that same night, we swore to forget it though so if you don't mind then we'd rather not bring it up. Although what really happened is that I ran away, Lance chased me, we had a heart to heart in the rain, danced in the rain, danced even more in the room with wet clothes, and slept in wet clothes next to each other," Keith explained, Lance nodding along.

"...you two are idiots. You know they left pajamas for us, right?" Pidge asked them carefully.

"What? I didn't see any anywhere!" Lance exclaimed.

"Maybe if you two were focused on anything besides each other~" Pidge teased, poking Keith because he was the closest.

The red and blue paladins just smiled at each other.
* * *
"Lalalalalalalala~ I can't hear you!" Lance called, plugging his his ears with his fingers, walking in small circles.

The team was all gathered together in the lounge, Allura called it for bonding purposes but there wasn't much that they could do that wasn't already done. So they settled on asking each other a bunch of random questions and having long discussions about them. Kinda like if 20 questions met an existential crisis. Right now the topic was 'pineapple on pizza, or no?' and Lance and Keith were having another one of their infamous arguments.

"Just give in Lance! People who eat pineapple on pizza are not superior, the flavor isn't good, it's terrible!" Keith called from where he sat with his arms crossed, his face as brooding as ever.

"Only inferior people say that!" Lance retorted.

Allura and Coran were lost on what the topic was while the rest of the paladins were groaning as the argument dragged on.

"No pineapple on pizza is one of the least ama-"

"Shut it!" Pidge yelled. "Please, for the love of fucking god! Stop. Talking. About. It. Let's move on, Hunk?"

"Uh okay, hotdogs, are they sandwiches or not?" Hunk asked nervously.

"Psh, of course not," Lance answered at the same time Keith said, "Um...yeah, of course they are."

"Uh no, they're not. Saying a hotdog is a sandwich is essentially saying that a taco could count as a sandwich as well! And it's not! That doesn't make any sense!" Lance retorted.

"Well of course they don't, tacos are hard shelled and hotdogs are just open sandwiched," Keith replied.

"Then what about soft tacos?" Lance asked.

"Those are just enigmas."

"No! They are tacos!"

"Oh my lord you two are like an old married couple!" Pidge exclaimed, causing the boys to flush.

Just then Allura got an alert from Matt. "Matt! It's wonderful to see you!" she said brightly. Matt just smiled back to her from the screen that his face was displayed on.

"It's great to see all of you, and I'm calling to update you all. Remember those encrypted codes?"

"How could I forget? I'm still running algorithms," Hunk groaned. Pidge just pulled up a screen from her phone thingy (I'm not sure what they are) and scrolled through a long list of Galra information that she had hacked into a while back.

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