I Know That You Love Me, Even When I Lose My Head

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It was the heat that captivated them in each other. The heat coming off of the other's body, the heat that warmed them to the core of their beings. The heat of the other that became their own. They craved more of the heat.

It was the taste of the other that each boy was obsessed with. The new flavor of sweet and spicy saliva blending to create a taste on a whole new level. It was better than any food either of them would have ever eaten. It left them both starved for more, more of each other's sapor. It left one utterly helpless to the other.

It was the musk of the other that made both paladins infatuated with each other. Cool ocean breezes collided with fresh wood, creating a mix of the two smells that enveloped both males and drove their endorphins insane. It filled their noses and the air around them, it filled up the room around them with the newfound aura of lust that was pretentious to just them. Just the two of them.

It was the feel of smooth skin of the other under the pads of their hands. Cool to the touch yet burning hot at the same time. It was the muscles of Lance's speckled sohulders beneath Keith's fingers as he traced the Cuban's shoulder blades up to the scar that he got from the shot. It was was the the hard feeling of Keith's abs and his softer hips under Lance's palms as his hands traveled below the Korean's shirt and gripped his skin. Keith let out a gasp as Lance dug his nails into Keith's perfectly milky flesh and Lance took the opportunity to take the dominance that they both had been fighting for.

It was the softness and sweetness of their meshed lips that made the rest of the world melt away for the pair. That made time stop and the particles around them freeze up as their only focus was on each other. It was the spark that ignited when their lips connected that sent shivers and tingles up and down their bodies. That forced their brains to completely shut down with all but one thought.


His heat, his his taste, his scent, his skin, his lips, his everything.


The kiss was heavy, neither one of them wanted to part and lose all the things that the other was providing them. Neither of them wanted to feel the loss of Lance running his tongue behind Keith's teeth. Or the feeling of Keith lightly rubbing circles into Lance's scar and gripping it every once in a while. Or the feeling of Lance's hand running up and down Keith's abdomen while his other had traveled up to Keith's hair and tangled in it, yanking it a little a times. Somehow the boys ended up laid over the bed, Lance on top of Keith, but still neither one had broke the kiss, they just kept going with it.

Keith was still fighting for dominance over Lance and got it when he shoved his body against the Cuban's and flipped him over, taking advantage of his open mouth after making a shocked noise. Now he was on top and he took over hungrily, getting a feel for the inside of Lance's mouth, Lance didn't really fight back. They kept at it until Keith placed his gloved hand over Lance's chest and pushed himself away. Lance whined at the loss of Keith's mouth pressed into his, but soon started to gladly drink in the air around him. Though this proved to be a little difficult since Keith was still sitting on top of him, but he didn't mind, Lance quite liked the view he had of the Korean's flushed, lustful face hovering a foot over his.

"That was..."

"Wow." Keith finished for him.

Lance smirked. "Yeah, wow." His facemask was smudged beyond salvageable, his towel disappeared a long time ago, and his lips were swollen. Keith's face was completely red and had gooey blobs of Lance's facemask all over it, his lips fared no better.

For a while they just stayed like that, their faces close yet far apart at the same time as their brains started to slowly reboot, processing what just happened and trying to find an appropriate action to follow to make things not awkward.

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