Just Breathe

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Surprisingly, Keith wasn't one of the last ones into the control room, he got there just after Hunk. Pidge and Shiro came in together shortly after him, and (of course) Lance waltzed in last.

What had felt like hours to the boys earlier was actually only about five minutes. And since this mission wasn't a direct attack on them, there wasn't too much of a rush to meet up for it.

"Alright, now that we're all here I'll contact number five's elder sibling at his rebel base so that we can get all the information we need to come up with a plan!" Coran exclaimed, typing a few things into the castle's front control panel to bring up a digital screen that was like a huge floating FaceTime of Matt.

"Wait, so what exactly is the mission?" Lance asked from is designated seat, resting his chin on his hand.

"Matt said that it was a rescue mission for some rebellion operatives who have important information with them. They got caught by the Galra on their way back to their base and had just enough time to send out a distress signal. Matt still has the information as to which ship they're on and what percicley the information that they were holding was and possibly more. That's why we're contacting him, to find out more and come up with a plan," Allura explained, finishing up just as Matt's face popped up onto the giant screen in front of all of them.

"Hello there Princess Allura! Paladins and friends!" Matt greeted, he was cheerful yet serious at the same time. Allura blushed when Matt addressed her.

"Hello there Matt," she replied with a smile. Matt blushed right back. Pidge groaned firm her seat.

"Get a room! Also, who died and made you formal? 'Paladins and friends!', really?" She asked, crossing her arms as a playful smirk toyed across her face at the sight of Matt and Allura flushing at her comment. A small growl escaped Lance's lips at the sight of Allura getting so flustered at the hands of Matt when he barely did anything to flirt with her in any sort of way.

"Ahem...sorry Katie but this is a pressing matter. The rebels who were caught, there were three, their names were Sonya, Ronaldo, and Anastasia, had information of different unmarked cargo ships entering and exiting Galra bases. But get this, all of them have been outwardly charted as being empty or only holding some basic materials, but the group snuck aboard a ship and downloaded information form the main control panels where one of these types of cargo ships went and found something interesting and off the grid. They went in without any clearance to do so from our commander and now they're stuck in one of those horrid Galra cells." Matt visibly shivered at the thought of being confined in one of this prisons again. "They weren't able to tell us what they had found out, only that it was big, before sending their distress code. Now they're being held on a Galra destroyer, battleship class, part of the outer fleets of the Galra Empire. I'm sending the exact location to you right now Pidge, and I think just a small team of people will suffice for the rescue, we don't need Voltron to show up and have all the fleets called to fight it when we could just send the fastest lion out to break our colleagues out of that prison before anything happens to them."

"I agree, sending all of Voltron would draw too much attention. We are trying to stay out of Zarkon's grasp and just handing him the most powerful weapon in the universe along with the castle of lions isn't the smartest way to go," Allura replies from where she was standing. She had her thumb and forefinger nursing her chin as she looked to the ground in concentration as she pondered a plan.

"Well it's clear that I have to go," Pidge declared from her seat, looking at the information that was displayed on her mini holoscreen. "I have the information already downloaded to my suit and it looks like we're going to need someone working in the control room if we are to have any chance of locating then quietly busting the prisoners out of that ship. Form what I can tell they're the only prisoners there but their exact cell on the ship would be hard to find without help since there are so many of them. And, I can still take the green lion with me because of the cloaking I added a while ago."

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