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The night seemed to never end. Keith got separated from Lance a while ago and was just nursing a drink to himself in what was the equivalent of the corner of the area that they were in.

It wasn't like Keith was going out of his way to be like this, he just wasn't good at the whole 'let's go out to a party and get wasted' kinda thing. He would try though, he would smile at people he accidentally made eye contact with, chat with a few people who bothered with him, and occasionally walked around with one of his teammates if when they checked up on him. He would mostly just follow to look around for Lance though, the Cuban hadn't stopped once to look for Keith to check up on him or steal a little romantic moment with the shorter male and Keith was just shy of getting worried.

It's a party and we're trying to make a good impression, nothing terrible could possibly be happening, he thought to himself, frowning slightly into his drink.

Then he heard it, clear as a bell and brighter than a sunny day with no clouds in the sky.

It was Lance. Well, his laugh so to speak.

It hadn't even been two vargas but Keith really missed that laugh. And Lance, Keith already missed Lance. He craved that laugh that heat that came off of the lips that the laugh burst from. Keith allowed himself a small smile before walking in the direction of the musical noise that his boyfriend made, still holding his cup in his hand as he weaved through the hot, sweaty people moving on the dance floor.

"Lance!" he shouted, trying to be heard over the hazy noise. When he was close enough to see Lance's smiling face he reached his arm out and grabbed onto Lance's who had taken off his jacket, leaving them bare. The little freckles seemed to shimmer under the light of the colorful gemstones.

"Hey Keith!" Lance yelled, clearly a little intoxicated. Man, what was in those drinks? Whatever it was Keith had quite some and just seeing Lance made him feel super confident. So when he got a good grip on Lance's arm he pulled the taller male down and kissed him on the corner of his mouth. It was just a peck, but Keith felt so giddy for some reason, he was just happy to have found Lance and be next to him again. Be with him.

"Lance? Who...what was that?" An alien walked up to them, he had blue skin and fins. His teeth were pointed like that of a shark but he also walked on two legs, had clear bright green eyes, and soft green hair swept to the side. He wore baggy jeans and a loose white T-shirt that showed off his biceps.

"Uh, this is Keith. Sorry that was nothing, he just...he's drunk and wasn't thinking, it was just an accident. He forced it on," Lance panicked a little, pulling away from the shorter male and taking a slight step towards the other man.

"Do you want me to do something about...him?" the alien asked, slipping a hand on the small of Lance's back. But before he could answer Keith was off, he speed walking (practically running) away from the pair, he had long since dropped his still half full cup on the ground somewhere, but he didn't really think about that right then. He didn't really think about anything other then to get away right then. Get away from the party, the noise and the colors. Get away from everyone. Away from Lance's new friend. Lance.

God I'm so dumb! Why did I let this happen? I did this, I let myself be opened to this feeling which only caused me pain. this it? It's only just begun and now it's over, Keith thought ruefully as he broke out into a full out sprint once he was in a less densely populated area, keeping his head down as he did so.

He didn't know how long he had been running. All that he knew was that he was breathless, on a hill with no trees, it was raining, and he was far away from the festival, far away from Lance and the huge mistake that he made by letting himself be vulnerable in front of Lance. To Lance. About Lance.

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