Feel The Rythm Of Your Heart And Hips

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Both boys were just in the ultimate state of bliss until someone barged into Keith's room.

"Who wants more food? And more medicine, but let's not talk about that!" Pidge practically screamed like it was bloody murder.

"Pidge what the actual fuck?" Keith mumbled, keeping his eyes closed and the hazy warmth presses against his face. Pidge started laughing hysterically so  Keith forced his eyes to pop open and glare at her.

"So, how was your night~?" Pidge practically died on the floor.

"Callate a Pidge! I was peacefully sleeping with mi amor y lo arruinaste!" Lance spoke, tightening his grip around Keith.

Oh, both boys thought simultaneously.

"Shit," Keith said, closing his eyes again. Lance just groaned and sat up, reluctantly letting go of Keith and brought his hand up to his 'I regret everything' expression painted across it.

"This is amazing lemme tell you-!" Pidge couldn't seem to contain herself. She was happy for her brother-like friends but she also found this hilarious for some reason.

Pidge was a special breed of little sister.

"Please Pidge..." Keith started.

"Please what?" Pidge snarked.

"Don't tell anyone. Please," he pleaded.

Pidge was taken aback at the small voice that Keith spoke in, surprised that he and Lance had such a bad reaction to her walking in on them. She was surprised that they don't want the others to know about their (quite obvious) relationship.

"Well why not? I'm pretty sure half the team has guessed at it by now considering you've been getting closer and you fight like an old married couple. And it's not like the team would be mad or anything, you guys being together was a long time coming and this is wonderful!" Pidge said quietly, tentatively walking over to them.

"We just, we went through a rough patch, a couple rough patches, and I think we just want to be more...stable before that I guess. Right?" Lance asked, keeping his back to Pidge and looking over to Keith as if to confirm. Keith was still laying on the bed, his hands covering his face, but he removed them and looked over at Lance, nodding at his statement. They made eye contact and in that moment it was just the two of them, nothing but each other.

Pidge cleared her throat. "Sorry to interrupt...that...but it really wouldn't be that bad if you told them."

"Please understand that we just aren't ready to tell the rest of them. Also, it's more fun and risky when it's a secret," Lance joked which earned a punch in the arm from Keith.

Pidge snorted and shook her head, laughing to herself as she watched the lovers. "Okay I won't tell anyone, but I'm pretty sure they're going to figure it soon enough if you keep this up." Pidge promised.

"Keep what up?"

"Being this damn obvious is what! If anyone asks you only wanted to contaminate one room so that's why you're both here. Now rest, try not to look too much in love, even though that's probably impossible, and I'll bring you some food, hot tea that Hunk made, and medicine.  Oh and you better take it or else I'll kick your asses into tomorrow." With that Pidge walked out of Keith's room, leaving the two boys alone.



"Why do I feel really happy right now?" Lance smiled, laying back down to face his boyfriend.

"Probably because our little sister is aware of our relationship and took it so well," Keith smiled right back. "Not to mention that she's understanding in the fact that she's going to keep our secret."

"You know Pidge isn't our actual little sister right?"

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