Kiss My Lips

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Morning came and, shockingly, both the blue and red paladins had colds because of their time spent out in the rain.

"This is your fault."

"Me? How is it my fault that we got struck with colds Red?" Lance exclaimed indignantly.

"Because you insisted on us dancing in the rain for hours last night!" Keith sniffed, his nose clogged up.

"That's not the only dancing that we did~" Lance wiggled his eyebrows. Keith punched him in the arm. Although their argument sobered them up a little they were still intoxicated to some extent. When they got back to their room the night before somehow the topic of the dancing came back up and Lance commented on how bad Keith seemed to dance. Keith obviously fought back but it ended up with Lance teaching Keith how to do the Salsa.

Yes, actual dancing. Get your head out of the gutters.

"Well that's probably also why we're sick now. You insisted on teaching me to do that and we stayed up for hours doing so," Keith muttered, hugging a blanket over his shoulders. Despite them both being sick he was curled up against Lance, being too stubborn to think past reason and move away from his boyfriend.

"Keith? Lance? Are you guys good in there?" Shiro called through the door. The rest of the team have already woken up and were getting ready to leave the planet and Shiro was doing his morning checks. When it started pouring last night the party came to a screeching halt and the team met up under a tree. They waited up for Lance and Keith but decided to go on ahead to their rooms and if they didn't find them in the morning then they would go out looking for them.

"Hey Shiro," Keith wheezed when he opened the door. His face was paler than usual and had a sickly green tint to it, his eyes were droopy, and he hadn't changed out of the outfit from the night before which was dripping with rain water.

"You're sick." Shiro stated, an 'are you fucking kidding me? You're eighteen' look on his face.

"Yes. Lance is sick too. We shared a room."

"I know that Keith."



God aren't siblings just amazing?

"Get changed into your armor, Lance you too!" Shiro called. "Then we'll all go to the castle together and you two can get the necessary treatment. After you're better you can explain...this," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose before walking off.

Poor Shiro.

Keith closed the door before walking back and falling onto Lance with an 'oomph'.

"We need to get changed," Lance grunted.

"We need to talk about what you did," Keith retorted, not moving.

Lance sighed, "we can do that when I don't feel like the Great Wall of China has just been stuffed up my nose. And when you don't look like you're turning into a plant with all of that green."

Keith smacked Lance lightly before climbing off of the taller male and walking over to his armor which he had left on the floor closer to the other bed (which he didn't even use). "Aw thanks hon," he said sarcastically. "By the way, fuck you."

"One of these days," Lance smirked which earned a pillow being thrown harshly at his face. When he turned to look at Keith, his smirk grew into a shiteating grin when he saw the shade of crimson that the Korean's face turned at his comment. With that he walked into the bathroom where he had left his armor and changed into it, trying to get his ill-induced mind to focus on a single thought.

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