The Secrets You Tell Me, I'll Take To My Grave

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He could see it, see the wisps of white floating over blue and large green/brown masses that was land. He could see earth.

He could see home.

Lance flew over Cuba, down to the large fields that his family owned. The large fields that he could never forget. The large field that was his past, his childhood, his home. Lance landed Blue in the open green behind his old house.

The house was large, three stories, shipping baby blue paint, creaky screen doors, shackled roof, uneven windows with varied glass because of replacements needed after him and his siblings would break them on accident.

He smiled to himself as he landed Blue, his smile only growing when he saw his family slowly filing out of the house's miniscule back door and onto the old porch with a firepit.

"Oh my gosh! Guys! I'm back! I'm alive! I can't believe this is really happening! I've missed you all so much!" Lance yelled out in happiness, going up and enveloping his mother in a bear hug. But she tensed up under him, slowly backing away from him as though he were a danger to be around.

"Who are you and what are you doing on my property? What do you want from my family? Do we know you?" his mother asked, one eyebrow raised in suspicion.

"Oh haha Mama, very funny," Lance chuckled despite the bad feeling that was festering at the pit of his stomach. "It's me Lance, your youngest son. Lance McClain, the pilot who went to the Garrison in the family! Remember how Sophie squealed and Sebastian sang 'Little Einsteins' until you finished cooking a huge dinner, despite me telling you not to, when I got my acceptance letter? I know that there's a lot of explaining for me to do but there was this whole war across galaxies in space and I fought in it. And we won! The war is over and I'm back! Now we can sit down with everyone an-"

"I don't have a son named Lance," Rosa (Lance's mother) cut him off, looking him dead in the eye as she said it.

Lance's heart sunk to his toes.

"What are you talking about Mama? It's me! I know it's been a couple years but-"

"I don't have a son who would leave and not return for years. I don't know who you are and I don't accept any of what you are saying, now get. Off. Of. My. Property. And don't ever come close to my family ever again!" she raised her voice while holding out a threatening finger at him.

"Mama plea-"

"I am not your 'Mama', get away from me!" she shouted when Lance tried to reach out for her.

"Veronica, Marco, Abuela, plea-"

"Now listen to me and listen good!" Rosa yelled as loud as she could, causing Lance to flinch. "I don't know how or why you know so much about my family but if you think that you can come here and start talking nonsense then you-" she was cut off by a blaster shooting her through the chest.

"Mama!" multiple voices called out at the same time, Lance being one of them. He kneeled down next to her just as her eyes fluttered close. He sobbed as he took a hold of her hand.

"Hey! Get away from our Mama! I don't know what game you're playing at bu-" his younger sister Veronica shouted before also getting blasted through the chest.


Lance looked behind him to find a whole fleet of Galra warships shooting at them, destroying the land around them and the house in front of them, picking off his family one by one while they were at it.

"How? We defeated you! Why would you do this?" Lance yelled. But he didn't get an answer, instead there were just more shots fired. Lance got up and tried shielding his family, but all of them pushed him away, saying the same thing to him.

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