Feel The Rythm In My Chest

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After what only felt like minutes to the red paladin, but was actually about an hour, Keith decided it was time to take Lance back to his room so he could sleep properly. He didn't want to wake the resting Cuban though, so he picked the boy up bridal style and made his way to the blue paladin's designated bedroom.

Keith didn't like the thought of leaving Lance alone for the rest of the night cycle. Whatever his nightmare was about it must've been a really horrifying one if it caused such a reaction from him.

Keith knew how Lance could get when it came to one of his nightmares, because sometimes Keith would catch him in the main control area with his blanket over his head just like this night, with tear stained cheeks and matted hair and puffy eyes. But this time was worse, this night was a lot worse than his usual encounter with a sad Lance. Keith never made it his business to comfort Lance whenever he caught him in the control room. And if it wasn't his business to comfort Lance then it sure wasn't to tell others to do so. This was mostly because he was really bad at that sort of thing and he knew exactly how Lance saw him. As a rival. As a person who hates him and always tries to prove that he's better than him even though that's never really Keith's intention, he just never outwardly says it isn't fo fear of losing what precious messed up friendship he shares with the Cuban. He only really interfered this particular night due to the fact that Lance was actually sitting there sobbing into his knees instead of his usual silent tears.

Guilt gnawed at Keith every time he would walk away from helping his teammate when they so clearly needed it, but as proven before he's not good at that sort of thing. But this time the guilt broke him with every whimper that Lance let out of his mouth until he couldn't take it anymore and went in without a plan or so much as a baseline in where to begin. It just sorta...happened. And Keith was glad that it ended up fine even though it got kinda rocky in the middle there.

He sighed as he reached Lance's door, shifting his weight slightly so that he could open the door. He knocked slightly, then fought the urge to facepalm because Lance was in his arms, not in his room. He then tried a number of different codes on the keypad, none of which worked because he couldn't remember the right for the bedroom of the blue paladin. Keith groaned outwardly, tilting his head back to face the ceiling while keeping Lance stable in his arms.

Great, he thought, now I'm going to have to take us both back to my room. As if this night wasn't already awkward enough.

Keith made a mental note to never let a teammate sleep on him without their room code again as he trudged down the castle's long corridors for his own room, drowsiness and the weight of an entire extra human body weighing him down, though it wasn't too much of a challenge for the muscular Korean. But the fact that he had Lance swaddled in a blanket which was making his already sweaty body hotter was not helping his case, neither was the fact that the blanket didn't quite keep Lance's chest covered up due to the jostling of Keith's footsteps.

By the time that they had reached the red paladin's room he was an exhausted mess. Once he punched in his room code he carefully laid Lance down on his bed where the Cuban immediately curled up into a relaxed ball, whimpering slightly at the loss of Keith's warmth, but not in a sad way like earlier that night. Keith smiled fondly at his teammate before walking into his personal bathroom (each of them had one in their rooms) and changed out of his morning cloths which he wore to training and into his pajamas which consisted of red pajama pants and a baggy dark gray tank top. He left his other cloths in the bathroom and left his jacket on it's usual hook close to the door.

Keith silently walked back to Lance, quickly tying his hair up into a ponytail with a hair tie he grabbed from his bathroom, and reached over the sleeping boy to grab his own blankets and a pillow from the bed. He then laid down a thicker blanket in the floor, places his pillow on top of it, then proceeded to lie down and cover his body with the thinner blanket which he snatched from the bed. He was debating with himself whether or not to let his hair down but decided against it since he felt too hot and bothered by being practically face to face with the room heater that was on the floor in front of him.

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