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Wow I cannot believe the amount of reads that I'm getting in this. It's really surreal to me that people actually enjoy my work, and I want to thank all of my lovely readers for every little view, comment, and vote that they give me. It means so much, you have not idea how happy this makes me!

As of right now I'm thinking of making this book completed, I know that it might seem a little rushed in the end and I apologize for that but I didn't want it to end with Keith telling Lance that he loves him and being okay. And so that's how it ended up being, and the only reason I didn't put it as complete is because I'm still going through and fixing small details that I notice after I've published everything.

I have a little OCD over that kinda stuff 😅.

Also, I've been thinking about maybe adding in some bonus chapters that wouldn't really contribute to the story but am a little iffy on that.

I know, I'm terrible, but bear with me in this.

That's all I really wanted to talk about, how this is practically the end of this book unless I do decide on writing this bonus chapters.

But I still want to thank all of my readers for boosting my confidence and making me so happy. Most times I don't feel in control of my own life but the fact that I'm actually getting over half a thousand views is just incredible to me. I feel like I could really go somewhere with my writing if people really enjoy it this much.

So just, thank you. Thank you so much.

This made me feel so happy, you have no idea. Whenever I get even just one notification I smile and can't stop smiling for minutes at a time 😊.

I've been thinking about writing another fanfic on here (Klance, obviously. Or maybe even Leakira, who knows?) but don't count too much on it.

Since I've posted this story, school has started and I'm taking higher level classes so I'm going to be swamped this year. I've got an idea on the back burner and have also been thinking about publishing an actual book out of a draft that I also have in the back burner.

Also, S7??? My heart??? I'm dead???

I've been so emotional about it that I can't really feel anymore.

But I try not to think about it so I don't dissolve into tears.

Oh, there they are.

There are the tears.


But in all seriousness, I want to thank you lovelies again for all that you have given me!

I love you all and can't wait to see if we'll meet again in another book!

Guillotine - a Klance fanficWhere stories live. Discover now