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Hello lovelies it's me again!

So it's been a hot second haha, this isn't a real update I'm sorry. But I have some exciting news!!

I'm writing a new book! Klance, obviously. I'm going for a theme here my friends, it's also based off of a song. And this song is the Klance theme song I swear.

All of my friends will tell you that I say that about the song lmao 😅.

So far I've only got the first chapter done but I'm not gonna post it. If I do then I know I won't be able to keep with a schedule because school is kicking my ass.

^^I might change my mind about this but we'll see.

Haha I'm terrible.

I'm still so overwhelmed by all of the reads, votes, and support I've gotten on this book. I'm a broken record but it means so much more then any of you lovelies will ever know. I really hope to see you all in my new book.

I'm not sure when I'll be publishing it or if I'll have a schedule for it. I'm purposely picking around this time because of all the breaks I'll be getting off of school, though I'm not sure if I'm going to post this before or after season 8. Hopefully before, if not it'll be a feel good thing to lift the spirits (I hope because I don't really have a plan for the book I'm kind of winging it like this one haha).

To give background without spoiling, it is going to be a modern high school Omegaverse au.

I'll be better about the ending I swear, and I'm not giving up the song title. Nor the artist. I think it'll be a nice surprise.

There's gonna be some angst though so prepare yourselves. And I'll be better about warnings because there is going to be smut.

My friend who's probably reading this is going to be very happy.

So that's all I really have to say. I wish I could give you lovelies a more specific time frame but alas.

I love you all so much and hope to meet you anew in the book that I'm working on.

Again I love you all so much and thank you for all of your comments and support.

I may not answer but I read through all of them and you lovelies always put a smile on my face. You make me proud of my writing which is a feeling that is fairly new to me.

Pride forever though lol.

See you soon lovelies! I hope the world is treating you angels wonderfully!

Oh yeah, this book is officially completed. It's been a beautiful ride. Thank you.

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