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I ran tests with different drinks to find out my limits with the cup. I started with simple stuff, like water, chocolate milk, orange juice. Then I moved onto name brands like Coke, Sprite, and Fanta. Then I tried for both hot and cold tea and coffee. I then found that I could make it sweeter by just saying sweetened. I further proved by asking for peach sweet tea, which then spurred me to test how detailed I could get with drinks.

So now I was drinking a watermelon Bacardi Breezer, and Tony jumped at the opportunity to scold me.

"It's illegal for you to drink that, and it's illegal for that to even be in the country." He said.

I held my finger up as I took a drink, holding back the urge to smirk. "I don't care, and I don't care." I said and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Your habit of breaking rules and not listening is insufferable." He spat.

"Hi, my name is Ana. I'm an anarchist. Read The Brother's Karamazov or watch The Dark Knight and figure out why." I hummed, not paying him any mind.

"What?" He asked.

"Sorry, I know The Brother's Karamazov, but not whatever the other one was." Nat said, and I looked up.

"Do you guys not have DC Comics here?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Oh. Well, DC is like Marvel's rival, and my favorite movie in the whole world was by them. The Dark Knight. It basically shares the same ideas as The Grand Inquisitor."

"Fun." She nodded, and I gave a smile. "What's the movie about?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" I got up and sat down in front of the glass, now excited. "So it's about this guy, Batman. When Batman was a kid, he watched his parents die, obviously was traumatized, blah blah blah. Well, instead of like, getting professional help, he bottles that shit down and grows up to be a vigilante who, not only beats up criminals, he beats up mentally ill people too. Fun, right?" I nodded.

"So, Batman's been at this for only a little while, like, only months, and this new criminal shows up. Nobody knows who he is or where he came from." I began looking for a good picture in my gallery. "There's no fingerprint matches, no dental matches. Nothing. He's just a guy with green hair and facepaint, and a Glasgow Grin. The Joker." I said and showed them a picture.

"He is a literal genius. He's fucking brilliant. Like, sure, he's not a scientist or whatever, but he knows humans, the entire human race and how the world works inside and out. He knows behavior, he knows how the brain works, he knows anatomy, he's just overall brilliant." I waved my hand and set my phone in my lap.

"So, Joker starts robbing all these gangs that aren't really even in business anymore because they're too scared of Batman. Joker then meets with three of them that are allied and tries to team up with them, but they laugh and put a price on his head. So what does he do? He starts taking the leaders down and gives them no choice but to work for him. And it was shockingly easy, too. For one, he just forced two members and a leader in a fight to the death to be one of the first to join him. Then he got the leader of the Russian gang arrested, and killed off the Italian leader a little later."

"But see, the genius is is that while most villains we've become accustomed to only do what they do for money, or for power, or whatever the fuck else. But Joker? He couldn't give less of a shit. There's an actual scene that still blows us away of where he's standing in front of this mountain of money and is talking to the Italian boss before he's killed. He pours a bunch of gasoline on it, then sets it on fire. He says, 'don't worry, I'm only burning my half. This city deserves a better class of criminal. It's not about the money, it's about sending a message. Everything burns.'" I grinned as I quoted him.

"I have the entire movie memorized. Anyway, his whole point of terrorizing Gotham City wasn't for money or power. It was just to prove to this justice-loving Batman that we as people are ugly. We're hideous, and our morals and ethics are a joke. Throughout the whole movie, he's doing things just to prove this point. My favorite is where he threatens to blow up a hospital, an empty hospital at that, if a certain man isn't dead within the hour. He turned an entire city against one man, just to save an empty hospital, which he blew up anyway." I shrugged.

"And your point is?" Tony rolled his eyes.

"The point is," I sighed and took a drink. "Mankind is a vicious fucking animal, and when the chips are down, we all eat each other. Once you realize that, no rules seem to matter anymore. They're just suddenly... abstract." I shrugged, then took another drink and grinned.

"Look at you. Getting me to talk philosophy on why I break the law." I stood up and grinned at Tony before I walked back to my bed, now in the mood to watch it and laugh along.

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