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When we got home, I put away our groceries as Loki went to go make the bed. I rolled my eyes when he left the room, shaking my head at his thirst. I don't really know what else I expected from a man who insisted that silk sheets feel ten times better getting fucked on.

I don't know what I expected from myself, already feeling aroused as I put away the last of the groceries.

I went upstairs to our room and saw Loki smoothing down the sheets. I took my phone out of my pocket and put it on the nightstand, then held my arms out in defeat.

"You win. Do whatever you like." I said and he smirked, coming towards me.

"Whatever I like? Are you sure you want to give me that sort of power?" Loki asked and traced my sides, making me shiver.

"Well, when you sound that threatening, yes. Even more so." I nodded truthfully, and he chuckled, running his hand along me. Loki was quiet for a long time, just staring down at me, biting his lip in thought.

"So many ideas... I can hardly decide." He hummed.

"Please pick." I whimpered, his hands driving me crazy, and he only smirked a little wider.

"Guess this calls for clones, then." He hummed and two appeared beside him. Loki tilted my chin up and kissed me slowly while the other two started to undress me, kissing along my skin as they went, making me gasp and moan into real Loki's mouth. I was basically dripping in minutes.

"Kneel on the bed for me, love." Loki murmured, and I did so, my back to him, hips raised up.

"What a lovely angle." He hummed, and I soon felt a tongue against me, making me shiver as it dragged upwards. A hand met my back and rubbed softly.

"My love." Loki's voice said near my face, and I opened my eyes and gazed at him. "How does being stuffed full sound to you?" He asked softly. I blushed, a little smile coming to my lips from how caring he sounded, and I nodded.

"Okay." I gave him permission, and he kissed me quickly, a set of hands coming to my ass. I wonder if I blushed enough, would I have a nosebleed or something?

Loki, who I assumed to be the real Loki, stayed by my face, stroking my hair and cheeks. Another Loki remained behind me. I shivered when I felt a tongue again, and this time it trailed up to my hole, putting a little pressure down that had me biting my lips.

I then felt a finger press onto the ring of muscle and I closed my eyes to relax myself before I felt it start to push in.

It wasn't so bad, necessarily, just very different than the usual, vaginal fingering.

"Are you alright?" Loki hummed in front of me, and I nodded, then searched out his lips. He met me in a long, slow kiss as the other Loki prepped me, fitting in more fingers as I relaxed further and further. I moaned uncontrollably now, and that tipped Loki off that I was ready.

He sat up and pulled me up against him. The other Loki pressed behind me, sandwiching me. I wasn't sure how they were going to do this until the Loki behind me lifted me by my hips, and real Loki slipped his arms under my legs, holding me up.

"Ready?" He asked, and I nodded. He slid himself in and paused, and I felt the Loki clone behind me begin to push into my ass.

Of course, it was very different than fingers. My mouth dropped wide open, and where I held Loki's shoulders, my nails began to dig in.

"Anael?" He asked, sounding a bit worried.

"It's okay, it's okay." I assured him with a nod. "It's just really, really different."

"Are you in pain?" He asked and I shook my head, already feeling the pressure inside me building.

"God, fuck... Please move." I begged, and they did so slowly. I didn't mind, knowing it was because he didn't want to hurt me, and I bit my lips shut, muffling my drawn-out moans.

"Loki... Loki, please. Please, more." I begged, and he hummed before both of them sped up a bit, and my jaw dropped open again, moans coming from me that I couldn't (and frankly, didn't) want to stop.

Each of them took a side of my neck to start kissing at, and I let my hands come up and tangle in both of their hair. I could've been very embarrassed at all my moaning, swearing, and calling of his name, but all I was focused on was how close to orgasming I already was.

"Are you close, love?" Loki grunted out and I nodded as my grip tightened on both of them. Real Loki was panting and moaning in my ear, going a bit harder. Clone Loki still had his lips on my neck, but seemed to be losing his composure as well.

I shook hard against them as my orgasm came over me, and I felt myself tense and tighten. Loki hissed, then both of them let out a long sigh as they came. I relaxed, now only trembling slightly. They both pulled out, one vanishing, and Loki continued to carry me, now bridal style, to our bathroom. With a little snap of his fingers, hot water filled the tub, and he set me down into it.

He then turned to walk away, but I whined in protest. He turned back to me, and I held my arms up and pouted, hoping that would convince him to stay with me.

Loki sighed a little laugh and slipped behind me in the tub. "As if I could refuse you." He sighed, kissing the side of my head.

I simply smiled and curled sideways against him in the steaming water, letting my eyes close as I relaxed against who I loved most.

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