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I was still planning, and apparently Loki was, too. His plans were just more on embarrassing me or "catching you being cute," as he put it.

I had gotten a haircut and dyed it a soft pink color, and Loki spent hours and hours just running his fingers through it when I came home. It amused me to no end. I remembered how Thor reacted when his hair was cut, and was curious to see how Loki would react to me bringing up that he get a haircut.

His lip just curled in disgust, then he hummed. "Maybe. Just maybe." He narrowed his eyes at me.

But now it was morning, and I was in the bathroom, just finished with washing my face and putting on a moisturizer. I dotted on my white concealer and was drawing lines with my favorite stick foundation, humming to myself as I did so.

At least, until Loki came in with my phone and hung out at the doorway.

"Why do you have my phone? What are you doing?" I asked, growing a little scared as I wet my beauty blender.

"Live stream." He just hummed and I stared at him in the mirror.

"I don't like you." I sighed as I began blending the base out.

"You love me." Loki grinned.

"You're fucking lucky I do." I gave him a small smirk. "I have to get ready for work, you can't distract me too much."

"Fine. Okay." Loki just grinned. "Wow. Many of them are impressed with how much makeup you own."

I grinned widely. "All thanks to Tony Stark's bank account. The one thing he did that I actually like him a little for." I shook my head as I finished blending and went down my neck, then began to powder over it.

"So greedy." Loki chuckled.

"Shut up." I just smiled.

"They want to know where you learned to do makeup?" He read as if he was confused, and I looked back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"People actually care about that?" I asked and Loki nodded. "Why...? Whatever. I'm self-taught." I shrugged, and carved out my cheekbones to contour and contoured around my face and did a little blush, then blended that all in. Loki was talking to them meanwhile, giving me time to work on my face.

I leaned forward to do my eyebrows, and glanced to him a couple times, seeing him checking out my ass as he talked, telling a story about something that happened when he and Thor were kids. I bit my lips to keep a smile at bay, and straightened back up when I was done filling them in to go over them with brow gel.

I decided to keep my eyeshadow pretty basic, light, just neutral shades, a little eye contouring. Good thing I did, too, because Loki began talking to me again.

"Do you normally sing when getting ready in the morning?" He then laughed a little as he read that. "Yes, she does. And while she's cleaning, and showering, and just about everything else."

"Not when I'm being filmed, I'm not." I scoffed.

"Aw, too bad. They wanna hear you sing something." He smiled. Not only could I see his smile, I could hear his smile.

"No fucking way. Not happening." I shook my head and he walked over and leaned on the wall next to me.

"Please? Pretty please, Anael?" Loki gave a pout, and I gave him side eyes, trying not to smile at how cute he looked.

"Gimme a minute to think of something that won't make me embarrass myself, at least." I sighed, and saw Loki beam, and he leaned forward and kissed my hair before straightening up again. I rolled my eyes and blended out the last of my eyeshadow. I decided Beyoncé's Halo wasn't too bad a choice, but I only did the second verse, as I was better at high notes rather than the low note in the first.

"Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
Swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
So pull me back to the ground again."

"Okay. That's it. I'm done. Fuck off." I finished and shook my eyeliner before uncapping it.

"But that was so pretty, love!" Loki said happily, and I gave him a look, smiling a little, and mumbled a thanks before leaning forward to focus on my wings. It was then asked why I didn't want to sing in front of people.

I sighed and licked my lips as I did my tightline and waterline. "Well, when I was younger, let's see... about nine or so, I wanted to be a singer. I thought I was good. I sang in the church choir and all that. People told me I was good, so I thought that was a thing that I would do for the rest of my life." I shrugged, and checked my waterline for smudges before going over them again.

"When I got into middle school and we could choose our electives instead of just having mandatory ones, I chose chorus, duh." I put the eyeliner pencil aside and grabbed my lash curler and two mascaras. "Our chorus teacher told us about shows and how she would let some students have solos, whatever. She told us everyone had an equal chance to get a solo, across the two classes she had for each grade."

I then gave a look to the camera after I was done curling my lashes. "She was a fucking liar." I said, then went back to the mirror. "At my middle school, you were separated on your intelligence. So there was C level, Honors, and what we called CBG, or center based gifted. C level and Honors kids shared some classes, but were separated in others, while CBG kids got their own classes. I was an Honors kid, so the only classes I shared with CBGs were electives, so gym and chorus. The teachers said there was no favoritism, but the CBG kids got way more shit than we did. They got away with a lot more than we did, too." I chuckled.

"So, our teacher told us there were equal opportunities, and we all caught her in that lie pretty quick, as in the very first show, all the solos were given to CBG kids. A lot of us Honor and C level kids talked about it with each other, knowing now that we had next to no chance of ever getting to show that we were just as good, and so I, and a lot of kids, only stayed in chorus those three years out of spite, and I'll even admit that we worked a little hard to make sure that less and less CBG's joined chorus. Not that we blamed them or anything. Well," I paused. "Not the stuck-up ones. Because a lot of them were stuck-up. Rich kids that just had scholarships handed to them, awards given to them constantly. Yeah, they got cocky fast." I chuckled.

"So after three years of that bullshit, I just got tired of singing in front of people. Of having three years of performing and trying to prove myself, damn, it got tiring. So now, it's only for me." I gave a small grin to the camera as I finished with my mascara.

"Don't you love storytime?" I looked at Loki.

"Always." He nodded, and I went to do my highlight and lipstick. "I've learned that if stories don't get at least a little depressing, you're not doing storytime right." He said and I smiled as I did my setting spray, and took my hair down to brush before I tied it up.

Then I tried to push him out of the bathroom so I could get dressed. He just pouted and stood at the doorway, as he was a lot stronger and heavier than I was, so he didn't budge as I tried to push him out.

"Lokiii... I have to get dressed. Get out." I groaned.

"I don't get a show?" He frowned, but gave a small laugh.

"Not with a camera on, you don't." I huffed.

"Ah. You heard her. Time to go." He hummed and ended the stream, making me laugh, and he set my phone on the counter and started to pull the shirt I slept in over my head. I wasn't surprised at all when his lips fell to my chest to kiss and bite and suck at my skin.

"Loki..." I sighed softly as he worked my sweat shorts and panties down. "I have to leave for work in like, thirty minutes."

"I'll be fast. Promise." He gave me a grin as he lifted me onto the counter, making me roll my eyes before kissing him.

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