Go Back In Time

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"I like you, Casey."

She shakes her head.

"No you don't. Girls and girls and guys and guys can't like each other."

"That's what your parents say. My parents say otherwise. And they're both grown-ups." Ah, twelve-year-olds and their vocabulary.

She shook her head. "I can't... I don't like you that way."

"You have feelings for me. I can tell. Casey, don't you? I can see it in your eyes... Case, I think I'm usually right about these things..." My panic and desperation was growing worse by the second.

"At least... At least let me do this...?" I start to cup her chin and pull her close, but she turns her head away, looking scared, and like she's going to cry.

"No... we can't..."


I kissed her. 

Gurrysberg Apartments, the trail that led to the plaza, August 14th, 2010.

It was sunny that day, and the makeshift pack the young shapeshifters in the area had managed to form was off torturing some poor soul other than Casey. So I stayed with her that day, and made sure it stayed that way.

Sure, after that she pretended like nothing had happened, and our relationship had still been shaky when my father had taken me away. Three years before we saw each other again, if I remember correctly.

She'd been so different. I hadn't even recognized her. But she knew who I was, the second she looked into my eyes. She wasn't an omega in spirit anymore, only in status. 

I guess I'd changed a lot, too. 


(Current Time)

I sat next to Casey on her bed, rubbing her neck and her knees, the spots where most of the pain was coming from. I could feel it almost as clearly as she could. 

"If you don't mind my asking..." I say awkwardly, wondering why the shit I was about to ask this question, "What are they like? Seizures?"

She looks slightly suprised and confused, but looks down, really trying to answer honestly.

"I... I start feeling bad, about an hour or two before it happens. Everything starts to ache, and I just feel sick. Then I start getting dizzy spells, and my vision starts going, and my head starts pounding." She looks at me.

"Then it just... happens." She looks back at her feet, "They don't really know what's going on. They only think it's a seizure, but I've... I've already been tested for epilepsy." She admits.

"What about...?" I can't say it. Not that word...


And I flinch, because she sounds so completely uncaring that it scares me.

"I had a lot of blood tests done, and they mentioned that if I had cancer, my white blood cell count would be higher."

"Why haven't I heard about this?"

She shrugs. "It's not really something I like telling people. I don't like people worrying about me, especially when there's nothing wrong."

"Case."  I say, trying to stay patient. "You just had the equivalent of a small seizure. You can't say there's nothing wrong. That's not normal."

"Well, it's become normal for me." She mutters stubbornly, and I sigh in frustration.

"I wish we could go back in time."

She sighs quietly too.

"So do I."

A Continuation of The Journals Nobody ReadsWhere stories live. Discover now