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Gonna try to start dating these... yeah right.

Casey- 8/26/14



"You wanna see yourself?"

Rei held the lying piece of technology you humans like to call a thermometer up to my face. Sure enough, it read 102.1.

"Fuck." I closed my eyes and twitched my ears.

"Poor puppy."  She grinned, stroking my head. I tried to turn a pissed-off look on her, but the dizziness and blurry vision probably made it look more like I was searching the room for a poltergiest.

"Why does everyone call me that?"

"Cus you're a canine."

"So is nearly every other shifter."

"It just suits you better."


"Kara posted something."

"I know; I'm always waiting." Probably wouldn't have admitted that fever-free.

"Well, that answers her question."

The drugs kicked in then, or maybe it was the fever, and I don't remember much other than waking up later to a dozen texts and Facebook messages asking why I'd left school at the end of fifth period.

A Continuation of The Journals Nobody ReadsWhere stories live. Discover now