Of Course- pt 2

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I turned and stepped behind Corr to hide the scars on my face. It peeved me that, after all this time in the shadows, the vamp would see me now in my human form. I scowled and swung myself up onto Corr's back. "Fuck this," I growled, and mimicked Casey's actions.

When we caught up to her and Silas, I slowed, then paced alongside her. Corr took me close to the edge of the trail in his wandering, and I took the oppurtunity to pluch a red leaf from the branches above. I held it for a moment, studying it, then let the wind send it spiralling back towards Casey.

She watched it flit by, then looked at me with mild curiousity.

"Marry me," I heard my fool self blurt.

There was a silence, during which her face grew infinitely redder and her eyes widened. Finally she looked away from me.

"You're out of your mind."

She brushed past Corr and I, taking the lead.

I looked after her. Suprised to find that I was not suprised at all by her reaction, I followed.

"You were born during a storm." I said quietly, keeping my voice and eyes down. "At night, in Virginia. Your favorite flower is Indian Paintbrush, but you hate when people know you like flowers because you don't want to be pegged as girly. You would do anything for your family; yet there are times you get so angry you believe you could really hurt or kill someone. You abandoned Violet in a battle once, and hated yourself for it."

I jerked Corr's reins, and he threw himself in front of Silas, forcing them to stop.

"I know everything about you, Case. The good and the bad. And I love it all, not just the good. We know each other more than anyone else on this earth, and our bond has no equal."

She didn't look at me.

"Prove my point!" I said in exasperation. "How many couples understand each other at such depth that one can pluck a leaf and send it flying, and the other will know they are about to be asked a question!?" I cried, referencing my earlier habit. "And what do you know about me?" I challenged.

For a long while I believed I had lost her, and that she wouldn't answer, that I had just made the biggest mistake in my life and ruined us forever, when she said,

"You hate when people take or see pictures of you, because your father used a camera whenever he abused you and your mother. You loved your mother more than anything in the world, until you met... me. You hated Kara's guts from the moment you knew of her existence and at the same time felt utterly inferior to her because I fell for her instantly, while you had cared for me all those years, and still my feelings hadn't yet changed. You're scared to death someone will see the scar on your eye and think you unattractive or intimidating because of it, and you doubt your own worth as intensely as I doubt mine."

She finally looked up at me.

Eyes locked with hers, I took a deep breath.

"So what is your answer?"


And before you people freak out, there is another saga coming :P


A Continuation of The Journals Nobody ReadsWhere stories live. Discover now