Chapter 5: Day Four: The Storm pt. 2

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Vanessa stepped back from me and looked at Lauren, " I was just looking at her tattoo."

I smirked and then turnt back around, I grabbed a blue and white striped short sleeved shirt and put it on. Lauren cleared her throat, " Tattoo."

I smiled, " Tattoo."

Maddie clapped her hands together, " Alright, now that we all learned how to say the word tattoo , what are you doing in here so late Lauren?"

Lauren moved the radio off the chair and sat down on it, " I decided that since it's going to be storming really bad. I should sleep in here to make sure all of you are okay."

I put my hand over my heart, " Wow, how considerate. See how she puts her life on the line for us guys."

Maddie smiled, " Puts tears in my eyes."

Lauren rolled her eyes, " You guys are already annoying."

I smiled and then took off my pants, Maddie put her magazine over her eyes, " Really ?! The pants too ! It wasn't raining that hard when you came in , how could you be that wet ?!"

I grabbed shorts and shrugged, " Never can be to sure, Maddie."

Maddie glanced up at me, " Don't say my name, you heathen ?"

I laughed and Lauren raised an eyebrow, " Do you two always argue ?"

Maddie looked at her, " I mean, yes. I would like to state, that most of the time, she starts it."

I smiled, " I would also like to state, most of the time, she just wants something to say to me, so she can flirt with me."

Maddie snorted, " Yeah, right !"

I teased, " Aw, you finally admit it."

Vanessa rolled her eyes, " Sometimes, both of you are so annoying."

I grinned, " Aw you're starting to flirt with me too."

Vanessa looked at me and smiled, she then looked down, " Oh my gosh. You're right. I guess it's your underwear that did it for me."

Maddie looked up from her magazine and laughed, " Superman huh?"

I blushed and pushed Vanessa , " Go away, and shut up, Maddie ."

They both started laughing, and I put on the shorts, thunder roared outside and I looked outside. It was raining really hard outside, Lauren leaned forward, " So, you guys just sit here and not talk. Just argue ?"

Paige threw a stress ball up and caught it, " Pretty much."

Lauren laughed, " Well, as fun as that is, you guys should get to know each better. No wonder you guys hate each, you haven't bonded."

Maddie shook her head, " Trust us, we tried that, none of us are a like in the slightest."

Lauren shrugged, " Play Never Have I Ever."

Vanessa sat on my bed, " I'm down."

Paige, Sophie, and Alex all replied, " I'll play."

Maddie rolled her eyes, " Fine, whatever. I'll play too."

I groaned and jumped in place, " I guess, I'll play."

Maddie glared at me, " You're such a baby."

I turned to her and grinned, " I'm your baby ? Maddie, I thought you agreed not in front of the girls."

She closed her magazine, " Shut up."

I plopped down next to Vanessa, Lauren looked at us, " I'll play with you guys. Who's going first."

Maddie looked at her, " Your not going to explain the game ?"

Vanessa looked at Maddie, " You put up five fingers and if you haven't done what the person says you leave a finger up if you haven't you put one down."

Maddie smiled, " Thank you, Lauren."

Vanessa grinned, " Glad to be of assistance."

Paige put up five fingers, " I'll go first, never have I ever painted my nails."

Everyone else put five fingers up, Maddie glared at her and put a finger down , " Oh, so we're playing like that, okay."

Alex, Sophie, Vanessa, Lauren, and I put one finger down, Lauren said, " Alright, so I'll go next, then it can be, Alex, Maddie, Vanessa, Bella, and Sophie. And go in that order until there's one person left."

We all said okay in unison, Lauren smiled, " Never have I ever been in a fight."

Maddie, Vanessa, Paige, and I put one finger down, Vanessa shook her head, "I feel targeted."

Maddie looked at her, " For once, I agree with you."

Alex bit her lip, " Never have I ever gotten drunk before."

Lauren put her finger down and Maddie shook her head, " This isn't fair."

Vanessa laughed and pushed Maddie's finger down, and Paige put her finger down. Vanessa looked at me, " I think you're lying."

" Drug test me," I replied as I put one finger down.

Maddie grinned, " My turn ! Never have I ever dated a girl."

Vanessa put her finger up to Maddie, and then looked at me, " Put your finger down."

"No, this game is lame," I reply rolling on my back.

" It's only lame, because you're losing," Lauren said smiling.

Vanessa smiled, " Never have I ever flirted with an ex."

Maddie put her finger down, Vanessa looked at me and rolled on me and pushed both of my fingers down, I smiled, " I haven't flirted with my ex."

Vanessa grinned, " Liar ! I seen her flirt with you !"

I laughed, " Keyword, her ! Not me."

" What's the point of playing this game if we aren't truthful ," Maddie questioned , as she hit my foot.

" Lauren , you're just going to allow this bullying ," I replied, as I put a finger down.

Lauren grinned, " I don't know, it's pretty funny."

I smiled and turned around and looked at Vanessa, who was straddling me and looking down at me, " Never have I ever had a super gay crush on a girl named Bella."

" Well that was oddly specific," Vanessa said as she put her last finger down and smiled.

Paige laughed, " Maddie , put a finger down."

I laughed, and Maddie rolled her eyes, " I'm going to put my finger down, not because it's true, but to satisfy Bella's needs."

" Meaning it's true," I smiled as she put a finger down.

" Never have I ever kissed a girl," Sophie said in a surprisingly loud voice.

I put my finger down, and so did Alex and Lauren. Maddie closed her eyes and slowly put down her finger, Vanessa gasped, " Oh, really ! Interesting, please elaborate."

Maddie shrugged and looked at Alex, " She kissed me and I kissed back."

" You kissed Alex," I replied shocked.

"Yes," Alex and Maddie said in unison.

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