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.Rewritten 9/17/2018

It was one of those days that you kind of lay around, and think of what you want at this time in your life? For me: I want to fall in love. I want to experience what I read about in all my books when boy meets girl stories, and I want to know how it feels to be loved by the boy that you love.

 Would I be hit with all the tingles, the excitement, and a racing heart? What kind of a guy would he be? How will he look? Blonde, red or dark hair, likes and dislikes, would he find me attractive, would he know it was me as soon as he saw me? And a final thought, would he already have a girlfriend?

What I do believe, is that someone somewhere out there, is made for me and he's thinking of me too.

I just want to find the right guy that the universe made especially for me.

That's what I'm thinking of, as I'm standing in a coffee shop at ten in the morning, on the weekend waiting to order a five dollar cup of something overly sweet.

"What can I get you?" breaks me out of my reverie as I look across the counter at the beautiful young girl with her dark hair pushed back in to a ponytail. She's smiling, but it's not quite reaching her eyes, and I can understand why. She's someone I know from high school. I mean I would not be too happy myself if I needed to work on a Saturday morning during the summer when you could be out with friends or just kicking back like I am.

"A sixteen-ounce caramel frappe, please." I smile back at her as I slide six dollars to her. "Keep the change."

"Thanks," she said, scooting over to the cold bar to make my syrupy sweet concoction.

"Got any fun plans today?" she asked as I watch her pump caramel syrup into the blender.

"Me? No." I shrug and chuckle because I don't have any friends... just acquaintances. "I just never clicked with anyone to be close friends with," I honestly replied keeping my head up.

"Nothing on a Saturday? If I didn't need to work, I'd be bumming around getting a drink like you are and checking out the scenes at Alki beach, if you know what I mean?" Wiggling her eyebrows as she finishes my drink with whip cream and drizzle before she places a dome lid over the top.

"That sounds fun if I had someone to do things like that with,  I'll sit here and check out my phone while I work on this great drink you made. Thanks!" I lift the drink ready to find a booth near a window so I can people watch at the same time.

"Summer, I'm Camilla, Cami for short." She extends her hand, looking at me expectantly. We shake hands, and I notice that her smile is now reaching her eyes.

"Yes, I see you around school most days, when schools in session. We never really talked in school, but I think I know everyone's name that I grew up with over the years."

"True. We've only grown up with over half the students in our school. Lucky for you that you don't have to work on this warm, beautiful day."

I cleared my throat, and nodded in agreement. All around this coffee shop I could hear chattering and the occasional squealing like someone just got the best news of their life.

"Lucky huh? I guess that's me. At least I have my phone to keep me company," giving my phone a small shake. "Maybe I'll see you at school when the year starts in another week?"

"Okay girl," she said as a customer entered the shop."I'll talk to you later if I'm not busy and you're still here."

I found a perfect seat by the window facing the busy street. I could hear Cami talking with the customer as I checked out my social content and watched a funny youtube video.

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