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"You smell so good; I wonder if you good?"

He did not.

Oh, yes he did. 


Every one of my senses is exploding with what he is doing to me. Like a magnet pulling me to him, I go willingly.

I can't help but trace his every feature with my gaze, but it's my fingers that are aching to touch, and lips desperately wanting to feel his lips. It's like I have no control and I delight in that feeling. 

He captures my hand and wraps our joined hands around my lower back. His other hand wraps around my nape entangling his fingers in my hair.

His eyes are lingering on my mouth.

The spark that's igniting between our bodies is what I've been waiting for since I can remember. Energy is flowing around us.

I'm shaken to my core.

Returning a shy smile his way I feel like I could burst at this very moment.

The highest highs.

"Yeah like the season. Happy birthday, Rucker. It's wonderful to meet you." My voice comes out breathless, and my stomach knots up just by me saying a few words to him.

He is one hell of an incredible male.

His eyes travel between mine, then to my mane of waves back to my eyes and finally, they rest on my lips that want to be on his. An indecisive look mars his features. Drawing his lower lip between his teeth his mouth curves into a smile.

"Thanks. I feel the same way about meeting you too," he agreed. "Can I get you something to drink, what about food, feel like eating? There are all kinds of grub." He laughs. "My mom..." he shakes his head smiling, "... she loves to cook, and she's at her happiest when everyone's eating. She and her friends made sure there would be enough food to feed a small tribe."

He glides a hand through his gorgeous hair. Tongue darts out to lick his lips. His eyes are looking everywhere but at me. I chuckle, and he looks back at me with those bright eyes, and I'm falling for him badly. 

"Come." His eyes are imploring me. He tugs my hand a little and motions me with his head, and I walk with him. 

He gently squeezes my hand, and It's magical.

We spend a good hour together, eating and talking. We then decide to walk across the street on Alki beach. Taking my boots off I leave them in Cami's Jeep. It's a stargazing night, and I wanted to be with Rucker. There's so much he told me about himself, and I also opened up to him about my age and that I was a senior in high school. He took it all in stride. He said we should make plans for my eighteenth birthday.

We're standing together with my back against his front staring out into the ocean with the moonlight kissing the tops of the water that swirl to shore. His strong arms hold me near to him.

His lips are close to my ear. "Summer, it's you and me now. We're together, right? If you hear something about me, please ask me before you make assumptions. I'll only tell you my truths. Always." His voice is low and deep. He barely kisses the side of my mouth.

Nodding my head agreeing with him. "Me and you, Rucker. Only my truths." I tell him, turning my body into his letting him wrap me in his masculine scent.

We're holding hands as we come near the gate. From this view, I see Gage on the large pergola covered deck with Cami making her laugh. A couple of girls are trying to lead him to the dancing area wanting to dance with him, but he doesn't follow them as he keeps an arm around Cami. That makes me smile. I'm happy for her.

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