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We found a place near the party to park. The house is right across the street, from Alki beach. Cars and trucks are sitting all along the front side and driveway. A few people are hanging around out front talking and laughing.

We get out of her jeep, and we can hear loud party noises coming from the backyard. The smell of weed hangs heavy in the summer evening air. In the car next to us loud moaning escapes the enclosure as the car starts bouncing and squeaking.

I look at Cami, and we start giggling as we walk up the cobblestone driveway.

There's a gate open on the left side of the fenced rambler style brick house. Tiki torches are lighting a soft glowing path to the entrance. We hear laughter near us as a girl comes running out from the backyard laughing as a guy captures her and they fall into a long-lip lock.

"You think you might be up to skinny-dipping later," I asked looking towards the beach. "The water is calling my name tonight. Who knows I might even meet my prince there without a thread of clothing to cover my body." I snicker.

"Oh, wouldn't you like that? You and he frolicking through the waters." Camilla chimes.

There are so many party people we see, trying to make our way through the many bodies, moving and swaying to the music.

"Hey girls, you both came... I'm impressed-" Gage said, trying to talk over the music. "Come."

He grabbed our hands and ushered us through the crowd to a grouping of tables where people were eating.

"What kind of drinks can I get you two ladies, something soft or hard?"

"I'll have a soft drink, please," Cami told him, as I motioned the same for me.

"Well, have a seat here, and I'll be right back."

"He's hot," Cami said under her breath. Oh my gosh, what I would do to him if given a chance," she piped out.

"Go for it girl. He was eyeing your backside earlier today when you were walking back to the counter."

"No shit. Really? Was he really, Summer?" she asked looking at me with wide eyes. Bringing her long straight hair over her shoulders and fidgeting with her blouse.

"Cross my heart. He sure did."

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! How do I look? Is my hair okay?"

"You look hot Cami. I'm sure he invited us to the party because he has a thing for you. Okay be cool now, he's coming back."

I watched Cami, watch Gage walk back to our table with our drinks. I lowered my head as I had to smile wide with how she's feeling at the moment. When would I find a special boy that would make me drunk on my feelings for him?

"Thanks for the drinks," Cami said, smiling shyly up at Gage.

" Laclan, you finally made it to your party! " A loud booming voice shouts from the other side of the party.

Gage looks over in that direction, looks back at us and smiles.

"Rucker's here. I'll bring him over to meet you, girls."

I turn to look where the birthday boy is, I want to see the reason why we're all here celebrating tonight. My eyes dart around looking for who Gage is walking up too.

It's like I just ran a mad dash. My heart is racing. I'm feeling flushed just trying to get my breath under control. A slight sheen of perspiration dampers my skin. I don't know what to do.

The feels hit me in the gut.

It's love. There's nothing I can say, but yes, it's love. It's not what my parents call puppy love or crushing on someone or even lust. This feeling that bubbles up in my chest is love for me. He is the one. Talk all you want, but I can feel him right here in my gut.

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