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A/n: Please play the above video when I prompt you further in the story.

Also, the words that Rucker sings to Summer is from the song, "Make It With You," by Bread. 


We were dancing to a slow song that Rucker requested the Karaoke host to play. When I looked around at our friends and family, all the couples were dancing. I think that we were barely even moving to the song. We held on to each other until Rucker slipped an arm away and pulled out something from his jeans pocket which I wasn't able to see from dancing closely to him.

He weaves his hand in my hair, as he sings near my ear. "Life can be short or long, life can be right or wrong, and if I choose the one to help me through, I'd like to make it with you I really think that we can make it girl..."  

I squeezed him a bit tighter letting him know I heard the words that he sang.

"Summer, I know we've been seeing each other for a short time, but what we have feels so right. Like my soul gravitates to your soul, know what I mean?"

"Yeah. I thought that only I was feeling that way. It's unexplainable." I softly noted.

"One day, I'll make you mine, legally, but right now, for the time being, I have something for you. What I have in my hand will always remind you of this night, and what you are to me. You're more than a girlfriend, so much more, baby." He opens his hand to display a ring, that matches the charm he gave to me earlier, except the heart on the ring is a diamond. My expression gives away my shock and happiness as he places the ring on my finger. He brings my hand up and kisses the ring and then my palm. 

We kiss. Just he and I alone together in our own world.

*Please play the youtube song now and continue reading.*

"Rucker, I love this so much. It's beautiful, its-it's- I have no words, but to say, thank you, babe." Tears of love and happiness make their presence known trickling down my cheeks. This time when we kiss I can feel my soul light up. We gaze upon each other, and this is the perfect time to tell him what I feel for him. "I love you, Rucker. I knew I loved you the first time; ever I saw your face... the night of your party before we met. It sounds crazy, but yet it's not. Not to me. I can't explain what I felt; I just knew you were the one." He knew what I was saying, for his expressive eyes shined even more so than usual as his eyes teared up. He nodded to every word spoken.

"How could that ever be crazy?" he murmured running a finger down the length of my spine.

I looked up at him searching his eyes again. He watched as they drifted over his features pausing at his lips. I found his eyes following the same path over my face. "I never dated, or was interested in anyone, before you," I simply stated. "Somehow, my soul knew that you were out there waiting for us to find one another. Our paths were aligned. Your birthday was the night that the universe brought us together. And my birthday is the night that we declared our love for each other." I wistfully said as I stared at him. Thankful that he was in my life.

His head dropped slightly at an angle, his face drawing closer to mine. His chin tilted down towards me. "With this promise ring, I promise to make us one. I want to purchase a house for us and be able to take care of you the way that you deserve to be taken care of, Summer. When I come close to that goal, I'm purposing to you. I'm not quite there yet, but soon. This is my promise to you," his eyes searched mine relentlessly.

I stared at him. Transfixed by his words, before I softly smiled and said, "I'll be waiting, for as long as it takes for you to do what you need to do. I'll be here. I promise.

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