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"You weren't kidding. This burger is so good!" I exclaimed as he laughed pointing to my chin smeared with mayo and ketchup.

I swiped at my chin with my napkin until I was sure there was nothing left on my face for him to point at or to tease at me. He was pretty good at keeping me on my toes.


"Well, what?" I glanced at Sidney and quickly looked away. I didn't feel like getting into anything with him. He didn't need to know why I was at the beach crying. He was just a friendly face that I met not even an hour earlier.

He popped a couple of onion rings in his mouth after he smeared some tartar sauce on them, not bothering to take his eyes off me.

"Did you want to get it off your chest? You know, the reason that you were crying?" he dipped his head trying to catch my lowered eyes."Everyone that I know says that I have an ear for listening. I'm really great at that."

I smiled and took a long pull of milkshake which the counter person topped with three cherries that had me grinning. Sidney worked his magic on the poor girl taking our order. She had no defenses to match Sidney's game.

I shrugged."Don't think so. It's kind of personal..."

"Try me. I know how to keep a secret. I'm not one to go blurting things out about people," he said, giving me a trustworthy smile.

"I'm not sure..." I shook my head slightly and made a face.

"Let me guess, okay? You don't need to say a word. Just shake or nod your head, that way you're not saying a word." He grinned, and his whole face lit up. I wasn't sure if I should turn my gaze from his face. His smile was mesmerizing just like Rucker's. How would I ever forget Rucker and his incredible smile?

"Okay." I smiled with my eyes.

"There's a boy involved with how you're feeling, right?"

I nodded with a grimace. "It's obvious. Anyone would've probably guessed correctly," I said, shuffling myself into the corner of the booth.

"Got it," he smirked like he really did understand. "So, he's an ass, and you want to kick the shit out of him," he threw his head back chuckling. " Am I right, or AM I RIGHT?" He drawled out.

"I'm hurt and pissed at him. I just want to scream and yell at him. I-I-jus- aargh!" I clenched both hands into a tight fist to squeeze out a ton of tension and anger.

"Glad I could help a stressed out damsel," he replied. "Go on don't let me stop you from exercising your right to relieve some of that pent-up stress." He knowingly smirked at me, making me glare back at him which had me laughing.

"Now that's what I like to hear, your laughter... it suits you well." He shoved the last of the onion rings in his mouth before finishing off his burger and shake.

Smoke?" he asked.

I was caught by surprise with that question. I could say, no, and that would be telling Sidney the truth. He was so unassuming and fun to be around. He didn't even try anything with me. Smoking weed would be a first, and I had nowhere to be at, or anyone else to hang with, so this would be an adventure for me.

"Umm..." I felt undecisive.

He lifted a brow and chuckled. " Well I do, and I want a couple of hits. Hey if you don't smoke it's no big deal." He shrugged. "Let's split from here. My car's just across the street. Are you coming with me?"

"Yeah, sure, why not?" I grabbed my milkshake, and we headed to his car.

By now the sun had set, and it was dark out. Street lights were on, and storefronts gave off the right amount of light.

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