Ch-18 part-1

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A/N: Since the majority of people use their smartphones to comment and read; I've decided to put the letter 't' in an inline comment so that you'll be able to comment if you want. When an actual comment is made I'll delete the 't' for that inline comment. HTH. Love all!


The weeks flew by.

 I can't believe it's the day of the fight.

My parents and I are meeting Rucker at his place before we all follow behind him in our cars. He has this thing about riding his bike to all his matches while Gage and Everett follow him. Rucker says's, "the bike ride relaxes me."

This evening friends and family will be trailing him on the way to the fight. My parents are excited especially, my dad. Rucker was able to score us bottom row tickets behind his trainer and Team Laclan crew.

Yesterday I went to pick up the shark's tooth pendant. It came out even better than I expected. The details were exquisite. I had the wooden carved pendant outlined with fourteen karat gold and had a thick twenty-four-inch gold rope chain replace the cord. But what truly made the pendant special was our intertwined initials, in the same design as my ring and charm, was etched with diamond dust in the front and the back was the date we met carved into the wood and filled with gold. I couldn't wait to give this to him.


So much has happened since the day Marco talked to me outside the mall. The day Rucker, and I got into our first fight, err...misunderstanding.

He gave me the silent treatment, and I wasn't taking any of that from him. I did nothing wrong, so I dug my feet in, and I made him listen to me.

I reminded him of what he told me the night we met and got together. He told me, "To ask him, don't just assume anything, and that he'll only tell me his truths." I brought it up that I expected him to ask or at least listen and let me explain what just transpired in the parking lot.

He was frightened that something happened to me when I didn't show to pick him up after training — no calls or texts from me. Everett was able to ping my number and found that I was at the mall. He jumped into Gage's truck and flew to the mall only to see me in the parking lot chatting with Marco.

He said, "what was I suppose to think? You didn't come to get me. You didn't answer my calls or texts, and when I did find you, you're standing in the parking lot talking with that piece of shit?"

He was jealous. My gorgeous male was jealous. I knew I needed to cool the situation fast. Rucker would need to learn that he was it for me too. I would never be a cheating, lying girl like his ex was with him. I was from different stock. Rucker was my first and last everything.

He left Gage's truck at the mall, and we hopped into his ride, driving aimlessly in the dark. Our windows down, hair a mess getting tangled from the wind bustling around us. Pushing the pedal to the metal on the I-5 with the sounds of classical music blasting through his speakers as we were each lost in our thoughts. Classical music is what I found out that he tried hiding from me. He thought I would find it uncool if I heard him listening to that genre of music. And every time he would pick me up he would quickly change his playlist, so I didn't know that he was listening to classical.

I watched him from the corner of my eyes, hating this feeling of not knowing why this was happening between us. Wanting to calm Rucker's fears, hoping we could make things right. I would do whatever it took for him to understand that I didn't go to the mall or anywhere for that matter to meet Marco or anyone else.

"Pullover, babe!" I shouted into the winds. "Now!" I yelled, wanting him to hear me out. I needed to make sure that he understood me.

He swerved off to the side turning into a dark side street and kept his engine running. We were out of town, more into the country. The nearest house from where we were was about three hundred yards from us. There was only one street light opposite us that was dim and flickering getting ready to die out. Dark, ominous clouds heavy with water blocked out whatever moonlight that was available from a sliver of a moon tonight. I reached forward and lowered the music then I opened his compartment and brought out his stash container.

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