Chapter 2

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Iris's pov

I woke up, and its already morning. The last thing I remember is making a plan. As I recall that happenings yesterday, I didn't notice that Rika-san is already in front of me. I just noticed it when she was shaking me.

"Iris-sama your mother is here, and she is requesting for your presence" Rika-san said.

"Hai[1], tell mother that I will come there after I take a bath" I said.

Then she left, leaving me alone in my room.

*sigh* I really thought I will rest in peace, but here I am, being a villainess. But I'm happy in being able to live again, even if my fate is to die. *sigh*

I walk to my closet, and picked a dress.

Then I walked in my bathroom, and took a bath

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Then I walked in my bathroom, and took a bath.

Time skip

I finished taking a bath and dressing. Now, I'll just fix my hair. I brushed my hair and put it on a ponytail. I looked at the mirror of my vanity. To be honest, Iris or I am really beautiful. I have long pure white hair like snow, and a pair of blue eyes.

Actually, Iris was never ugly

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Actually, Iris was never ugly. She's naturally beautiful.

Then, I left my room. I walk towards the living room, to see mom.

"Mother, you requested for my presence?" I stated bowing.

"Yes, how are you feeling Iris? Are you feeling better?" Mom asked.

"Yes mother, I am feeling a lot better right now" I said.

"That's nice to hear. I'm really sorry Iris that I couldn't take care of you that much while you were sick" mom said looking sad.

"No need to worry mother. I know that you're really busy, and I understand that you have to work for us to live. Don't worry mother because I'm not upset nor mad at you." I simply said.

"I see. we are going to a ball next week" Mom said.

"Hai" I said.

It's not really hard to act like Iris because in some ways, we are actually similar. Iris isn't spoiled. Actually, she's really polite. She's not exactly a genius, but she is smart and knows how to act graceful and respectful.

While walking to my room, I saw onii-chan. I run up to him and hug him.

"Konnichiwa[2] onii-chan[3]!" I happily said.

"Konnichiwa Imouto-chan[4], I see that your sickness is gone" he said, chuckling.

"Ne, onii-chan are you going to the ball with us?" I asked.

"Well of course" he said. "Ok! I'll be going now onii-chan" I said.

"Where are you going imouto-chan?" Onii-chan asked.

"To the library" I said bluntly.

"*gasp* when did you learn how to go to the library? No one really goes there, and do you even know how to read?" Nii-chan said dramatically.

"Hey! I already knew how to go to the library in the first place, and excuse me, I am perfectly capable of reading" I said while pouting.

"Hahahaha, whatever you say imouto-chan" he said. Then, I left him.

I walked to the library, and it's pretty huge. I walked around, and admired the library. The books here are well organized. It seems that no one really goes here, but it's still clean. I praise all the maids here for being responsible.

I continued to walk in the library until a book caught my eye. The book is a little shiny unlike the other ones I saw. Out of curiosity, I took the book.

'Wow' I thought.

I haven't seen this book before but why does it feels like I knew it?

The book is brown with gold outlines. It's really beautiful. The gold outlines are shining. The book's title is The Beginning.

The beginning? What kind of book title is that? This must be some kind of history book.

I was tried to open the book but I can't. There's a force that prevents me from opening the book.

Maybe there's a lock or something.....

I tried looking for the lock, but I can't seem to find it.

Weird......There's no lock but why can't I open it?

I tried searching for books that are similar to this one, but sadly there's none....

*sigh* I'll just put this book back.

To be continued.....

Hai - yes
Konnichiwa - hello/good afternoon
Onii-chan - brother/older brother
Imouto-chan - younger sister

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