Chapter 15

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The next day

Iris's pov

"Class today we have 3 new people that will be having classes here, but it's only for a short period of time" sensei said.

"Who do you think it is?"

"I wish they're boys"

"Kyaaaaaa! I wish they're handsome/ cute!"

'*sigh* these people'

"Psst!" I heard. I looked at who said that, to see Akito.

"What?" I whispered.

"Who do you think it is?" He asked.

"Not you too!" I said.

"*laugh* I'm just joking" Akito said.

"Thank goodness" I sighed.

"Quiet down class, now please come in" Sensei said.

Then, 3 boys walked in, and those are the princes.

"Hi guys! My name is Andrew Gorudo! I hope we can be friends!" The blond cheerful prince said.

"Good morning, my name is Fredrick Nami. Its a pleasure to meet you all" the neutral prince said.

" Greetings my name is Edward Aera" the emotionless brunette prince said.

'Kyaaaaaaa! We're classmates with the princes!!!!!!' The girls screamed.

"Aren't they supposed to be in another class? Why did they suddenly changed their classes?" A boy whispered.

"I wish I can change my classes too" another boy said.

"Now, quiet down girls and you 3 may sit over there beside Mr. Kasami. Mr. Kasami please raised your hand" sensei said.

Akito raised his hand. The princes took the seats beside Akito.

"Ok now class we shall start with the lesson" sensei said.

I look at the window beside me.

As far as I know, this wasn't supposed to happen. Even if I switched rooms there should be no effect, so why are they here?

'*sigh* This is more troublesome than I thought'


"Now class, choose your partners or group. Then, you can leave" sensei said.

"Akito-kun let's be partners!" I said while smiling to him.

"Nice!" He cheered.

"C'mon! We can finally leave!" Akito cheered once again.

"*giggle* Well then, let's go!" I said.

We were about to leave, but Akirima-sensei called me.

"Sensei?" I asked.

"Since you and Akito will have you class in the music room, can you please take this to the music room" Akirima-sensei said while handing me some music sheets.

"Sure Akirima-sensei!" I said.

"You may go now" Akirima-sensei said.

"Hmm!" I nodded.

Then, me and Akito left the room. We walked to the music room.

"Now, Akito-kun let's eat first then we can proceed to our lessons" I said.

With that, we ate our food.

Time skippu~

"Ok now, stand straight" I said.

"Chin up" I said as I raised Akito-kun's chin with a ruler.

I placed a book on top of his head.

"Now, walk" I instructed.

He started walk, but it looks like he's a robot.

"Loosen up! Don't be too stiff!" I instructed him.

He started to walk again. Now, its better.

"Good, now let's proceed to the next lesson" I said.

Time skip

"*clap* Alright! Let's take a 5 minutes break then proceed to dancing" I said.

"Yes!" Akito cheered.

Akito-kun is sweating right now. I gave him a bottled water and a towel. He drank the water, and wipe his sweat.

"Woah! Never thought you're a great teacher" Akito said.

"Thanks, you're also an amazing student. You're quite a fast learner." I said.

"Thanks" Akito said.

"What can we do for five minutes?" Akito asked.

"Rest" I said.

"Boring~" Akito whined.

"Then what do you gave in mind?" I asked.

"Hmm..." Akito just hummed.

I just sat there, waiting for him to think of anything.

"I know!" Akito cheered.

"What?" I asked.

"You can sing!" He said.




"Wait, what?!"

To be continued......

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