Chapter 14

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3rd person's pov

"Eh?! How?!" A voice shouted.

"Huh? Who was that?" Prince Andrew asked.

"I don't really know. C'mon let's look at it" Prince Fredrick said.

The princes then walked towards the direction where the source of the voice came from. There, they saw a white-haired girl and a raven haired boy talking.

"*giggles* First, I said we still have classes after lunch. Second, I said that I don't really have classes that I need to attend right now. Sensei[1] allows me not to attend class since she said that I have a 'perfect' etiquette. " They heard the girl with white hair (Iris) said.

"Aren't those two the ones who we saw just a moment ago?" Prince Andrew asked.

"Indeed they are, but why are they still here? Didn't you told them to go to class?" Prince Edward asked Prince Fredrick.

Prince Fredrick nodded. The 3 princes walked towards the 2.

"That's so unfair! Why didn't sensei let me go like you?! I also have perfect etiquette!" The boy whined.

"No you don't. A person with good etiquette wouldn't whine over this" the  girl said.

The three princes watched the two with amusement seen in their eyes.

"But-!" The boy started.

"No!" The girl said.

"This is truly amusing" Prince Fredrick said.

"I agree!" Prince Andrew said.

"Starting today you won't be having lessons with Akirima-sensei...." the girl started.

"Yay!" The boy cheered.

"But..." Iris continued.

"Aww, and here I am, I thought I'll be free" Akito sadly said.

"You will learn proper etiquette from me. I will teach you how to act properly and how to properly present yourself to others" the girl finished.

"I think that's more ok!" The boy cheered.

"C'mon let's talk to Akirima sensei" the girl said.

Then, the left the princes without even noticing they were there.

"Fredrick, Edward, who's the white haired girl?" Prince Andrew asked.

"She looks really familiar...." Prince Fredrick said.

"She's Iris. Iris Crystallia, the white-haired girl that we gave a tour. And the same girl that we met at the ball. The one who save her mother from an assassination." Prince Edward.

"Now that I remember, didn't we made a promise that we'll make her our friend? I think we forgot about that" Prince Andrew said.

"As far as I know, she was supposed to be in our class" Prince Edward said.

"What happened? I've never seen her in our class before" Prince Andrew asked.

"What do you mean? We gave her a tour remember?" Prince Fredrick said.

"She requested the headmaster to move her to another class" Prince Edward said.

"Well in that case, we need to move to her class in able for us to fullfil our promise" Prince Fredrick said.

"I agree with you, but don't you think Lady Iris has a reason why she requested to leave? She couldn't just leave without a reason right" Prince Edward

"Ok! Let's go then" Prince Andrew said.

Then the princes left, and go to the headmaster's office for their request.

To be continued.....

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