Chapter 13

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Iris's pov

"The legend is interesting...." Akito said.

"I know...." I agreed.

"But what's suspicious is that the legend didn't tell the name of the queen and the baby, but told who the wicked lady is" I said.

"Well the name of the baby was mentioned, but something made it blurred" Kasai pointed out.

"Also, it said here that 'The land of the Crystals is known as the land with no royalty because there is no palace in this land.' does this mean that the Missing Palace is located somewhere in the land of the Crystals?"

"Well, yeah, but look at the last part. It said 'Ever since that day, the Crystal Kingdom was no where to be found. Until now, the kingdom is still waiting for the person who is destined to save them......' it means that the Crystal Kingdom is different from the land of the Crystals" Akito-kun said.

"But how can that be possible? I mean shouldn't be the land of the Crystals same with the Crystal Kingdom? This is so confusing" I said as I rubbed the left side of my forehead.

"Well, let's leave that part. For now, let's investigate and search more about this 'Amelia Wickura'" Akito-kun said.

Akito-kun then checked the time.

"We only have 10 minutes, it's better if we go back now." Akito-kun said.

"*sigh* Let's go back. We can continue this tomorrow" I said.

Akito nodded. I called Kasai who was still searching for some books. After Kasai came to me, we left the library. We walked to the academy. The 3 of us silently walked in the gates of the academy. Once we get in, we immediately go to the garden. Me and Akito sat on our usual place while Kasai is playing with some flowers.

"We're far from finding out about the Missing Kingdom! When we finally found a book that's helpful, it just had to be so confusing. Why is this soo hard?!" Akito whined.

"Stop whining Akito, it's natural for people to work hard in able to find what they need, especially when it comes to something like this"  I said while my eyes are closed and drinking my tea.

"*sigh* You're right, it's really natural." Akito-kun said as he looked at me.

"Wait.... Where did you get that tea from?" Akito asked.

I looked at him, and shrugged. He just nodded. Honestly, he looks like he's really tired.

I need to cheer him up

I walked towards him. I smiled at him, and patted his back.

"Don't worry Akito-kun! I know we'll find it! Don't give up okay?" I said happily.

I gave him a thumbs up and a bright smile. He looked at me then smiled. 

"You're so positive Iris-chan!" Akito said.

I just giggled while Akito laughed.

3rd person's pov

Then, Akito and Iris started conversing. Time passed, both of them spent their time telling each other stories and jokes. Laughter filled the air.

"*cough* Why are you both here in the garden? Aren't you both suppose to be in your classes?" A male asked sternly.

Both Iris and Akito looked at the person. That person was accompanied by two other boys. And those people happen to be the 3 princes.

Akito and Iris stood up and bowed.

"Akito-kun, what time is it?" Iris asked.

"It's 1:45 pm" Akito replied.

Iris bowed again.

"Please forgive us your highnesses, we got so caught up in our conversation that we forgot about the time" Iris said.

"We are really sorry" Akito said.

"Don't worry, you may leave" Fredrick said.

"Thank you your highnesses" both of them bowed.

Iris took Kasai. She carried him in her arms. Then, the Iris, Kasai, and Akito left the princes.

"I really thought we were in trouble Iris-chan" Akito said while walking.

"Akito-kun, I don't really have classes that I need to attend right now, so I probably won't get in any trouble" Iris said.

"Eh?! How?! I thought you said that you still have classes after lunch?!" Akito shouted.

"*giggles* First, I said we still have classes after lunch. Second, I said that I don't really have classes that I need to attend right now. Sensei[1] allows me not to attend class since she said that I have a 'perfect' etiquette. " Iris said.

"That's so unfair! Why didn't sensei let me go like you?! I also have a perfect etiquette!" Akito whined.

"No you don't. A person with perfect etiquette wouldn't whine over this" Iris said.

"But-!" Akito started.

"No!" Iris said.

Akito looked sad and defeated. This made Iris guilty.

"Akito-kun please don't be sad" Iris comforted.

Akito ignored Iris, and continued with his depressing moment. Iris sighed knowing that there's only one way.

"Ok, starting today you won't be having lessons with Akirima-sensei...." Iris started.

"Yay!" Akito cheered.

"But..." Iris continued.

"Aww, and here I am, I thought I'll be free" Akito sadly said.

"You will learn proper etiquette from me. I will teach you how to act properly and how to properly present yourself to others" Iris finished.

"I think that's more ok!" Akito cheered.

"C'mon let's talk to Akirima-sensei" Iris said.

Unknown to them that someone or some people are watching with amusing looks

To be continued.....


Sensei - teacher

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