Chapter 4

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Iris's pov

"Edward, this are the Crystallia family" Queen Miyari said.

"Oh, I see you made a new friend, Fredrick" King Jiro said.

"Hai[1], in fact she is the daughter of Reina and Arthur White" Prince Fredrick said.

"Yes! Mom, dad I would like you to meet Erika White!" Prince Andrew said.

If your thinking how did I know them, I'm reincarnated remember plus they're royalties. Only a fool wouldn't know them. Then Erika, Reina, and Arthur came. Mom looked a little uncomfortable, so I made a move.

"Your highnesses I deeply apologize for disturbing, but I think we'll be leaving now" I politely said while bowing.

"Huh?! Why can't you stay a little longer?! I want to spend time with you more!" Queen Asame whined.

For a queen, she is a little childish.

"I apologize Queen Asame but its getting late, me and my brother wouldn't want to tire our mother" I politely said.

"Don't worry dear, you may go" King Jiro said.

"Arigatou[2]. If you'll excuse us we'll be leaving" I said.

But before we can leave, the lights suddenly turned off.


What's that?

When the lights turned on, a man was behind mother. He is holding a dagger. I gritted my teeth.

That fool, who does he think he is?! How dare he place a dagger near my mother neck?!

"Let go of my mother you bastard!" Onii-chan yelled.

Brother was being held back by Prince Fredrick and Prince Andrew.

"Sir, please put the dagger down" Queen Miyari calmly said.

I looked around, people are looking scared. All of the people here have the same expression, which is fear. But one family stood out to me,

The White Family

The Whites are smirking secretly. I growled. I am really mad right now.

Those shameless pests! I will kill them!

I looked around again. Most of the royalties don't look really pleased.  Brother is clenching his fist right now. And it seems that King Erick noticed the hidden smirks of the Whites.

Ooh, busted. Welp, I gotta do something now. I can't waste time.

I walked towards King Erick.

"King Erick, what do you think we should do?" I asked looking really scared.

King Erick was a little shocked, but smiled a little to calm me.

"My child, don't worry. We, adults, will handle this" King Erick said.

"GUARDS!!!! GET THAT MAN FROM EVANGELINE! NOW!!!!" Queen Asame said furiously.

"One step, and I'll slice the head of this woman" the man said.

"Crystallized barrier, don't let that man leave this ball room" I chanted secretly.

While the Kings, Queens, and other guests are thinking on what to do, I secretly teleported behind the man.

"Crystal clone" I chanted. Then, a crystal clone appeared that looks like me.

My clone tapped the man's shoulder. The man jumped a bit, and turned his head around. Then, I, the real me, stomped on his foot. The man massaged his foot a bit. Then, he looked so angry. He was about to stab mother but I ran to them.

Then, I, the real me, pushed mother to the side and replaced my real self with a clone. And instead of mother being stabbed, 'I', my clone, got stabbed on the stomach on the neck.

Mother turned her head towards me. She had a shocked face. Tears are starting to fall from her eyes. Everyone was shocked because of what 'I' did. Mom is starting to cry harder but my clone shattered as if it's glass.

"W-what just happened?" Mom asked.

Everyone is still shock, but King Erick is the first one to recover.

"Guards get that man!" He ordered.

The man fastly ran out.

But once he reached the door of the ball room, he stumbled back.

"*Deep chuckle* Do you really think that you could escape? Huh, how ridiculous" I told him.

I kicked him on the stomach and punched his face. He stumbled back, but that's not the end. He used his dagger and tried to stab me, but he kept missing. I used my magic to create a glass dagger.  I transported behind his back. I placed the dagger near his neck.

"You know, you're really foolish to think that you could mess with my family, and get away with it. Let me tell you a secret, I can kill you right here and right now, but I won't. I wouldn't want to make my hands dirty." I whispered with deathly lower voice as I pressed the dagger on his neck.

His neck is now bleeding. I can feel his eyes widen because of what I said. He is now slightly shaking.

That's right, be scared.

I hit his head. I kicked his back. He collapsed.

The guards quickly ran to him and caught him. Mom and onii-chan fastly ran to me with tears streaming down their face.

"Baka[3]! Baka! Baka! You should have not done that!" Onii-chan said.

"Gomene[4] onii-chan[5], mom, I just really wanted to help" I said, looking down.

"Darling, don't be sad. What you did there was really brave, but next time be sure to also think your your safety" mom said.

I looked up to them, and gave them one of my biggest and brightest smiles.

"Hai!" I cheered.

3rd person's pov

The kings and queens walk towards Iris.

"Iris I would like to say sorry for what happened today" King Jiro said.

"None of this was you fault your highness. No need to apologise" Iris replied.

The three princes and the other guests were still stunned by the little lady.

"Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll be leaving now" Iris said.

The Crystallias was about to leave, but Iris stopped. She turned and looked at everyone in the room.

"If anyone, I mean anyone, of you messes with my family I will make sure that you'll regret it. I don't care if you are king, a queen, a noble or what. As long as you messed with one of us, I will make sure that you will pay." I said with a serious voice.

After that, the Crystallia's left. Everyone was silent for a moment. No one dared to speak. Not even the royalties.

After a few minutes, King Micheal stood in front of everyone.

"Our guests, we would request you to go back to your manors after those unexpected happenings" King Micheal said.

Then, all the guests left the castle leaving the royals.

"Minna-san[6] don't you think Iris is quite interesting?" King Micheal asked.

"Hai, in fact for a young age (13) she managed to perform such a brave act" Queen Asame said.

To be continue....

Hai - yes
Arigatou - thank you
Baka - idiot
Onii-chan - brother
Gomene - sorry
Minna-san - everyone

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