Chapter 17

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3rd person's pov

Iris and Akito left the school, and went to the enchanted library. They searched for information about the legend. While Iris is searching, she saw a book with gold outlines. The book is not like the other books she saw, so she took it. There are texts that is in a gold color.

Secrets Unfold

Is what the text said. When Iris was going to open the book but she saw a lock. The lock is strangely familiar to her, but she didn't know why.

She called, "Akito can you come over here"

Akito walked to Iris.

He asked, "What?"

Iris showed Akito the book.

She said, "I found this book, and it seems that you need a key to open it"

Akito took the book and look at the lock.

"I haven't seen a lock like this before" he said as he inspected it.

"Let's borrow it, and see if we can open it" Iris suggested.

Akito nodded. Then, they walked to the librarian, and borrowed the book. At first the librarian seems taken back, but nonetheless allowed us to borrow the book.

At the academy

Akito and Iris went to the library. They placed the book above a table. Iris took a paper and a pen, and started to talk about possible ways to open the book. As they discuss, Iris took some notes. After they're done discussing, Akito took a hair pin. He tried unlocking the lock, but it didn't work.

Time skip~

It's night time now, and they still haven't open the lock yet. Because it's already late, they bid goodbye to each other.

Iris went to her room. Thinking about the lock.

'It really looks familiar' she thought.

Iris fell asleep thinking about the familiar lock.

Next Day

3rd person's pov

The headmaster called the 3 princes to his office.

"Prince Andrew, Prince Fredrick and Prince Edward let me remind you that your transfer of classes is only temporary. You'll only be staying there for a week" the headmaster said.

The princes nodded their head, signalling that they understand.

"Okay, you may leave" the headmaster continued.

The princes bowed then left.

While walking, the princes heard something.

"Iris-chan! This is too hard!" A male voice whined.

"Akito-kun stop being childish" a female voice scolded.

Andrew looked at Fredrick with a let's-take-a-look face. Then they walked towards the source of the voices, which led them to the garden.

They saw Iris and Akito. Akito is struggling to balance 2 books on his head while walking.

"Akito-kun it's not that hard" Iris said cheering Akito.

"Then try it!" Akito said loudly.

Iris sighed. She walked over Akito, and took the books above his head.

"First, you need to have confidence before you do this..." she said as she looked at Akito.

"But of course, you can't achieve this if you aren't calm." She continued.

"Close your eyes and take a deep breath..." she said.

Iris closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

*Inhale* * exhale*

"This will help you be calm" she added.

Iris slowly opened her eyes.

"Always raise you chin up to show them you are confident...." she said.

Iris lift her chin up, and placed the books on her head. She added a few more books on her head. Then, she started to walk gracefully.

"Always remember that you are a noble. You're posture and image is really important." She said.

"Never slouch..." she said.

"Be bold." She said

"Be graceful." she added.

"Always remember that your eyes are where people see your weaknesses, so you shouldn't be nervous. In this world, a hint of nervousness is a hint of being weak. Your eyes must hold power and a fierceness..." She said.

"But you shouldn't look too fierce because others will think that you are a threat to them. And that might lead you to your destruction." She continued.

"Always remember my words. You must show them that you are bold, graceful, powerful and confident." She finished and stopped walking.

She looked at Akito, who is stunned, and removed the books above her head. She walked to Akito, and gave him a book.

"Let's start with one book" she said.

Akito placed the book above his head.

"Remember what I said earlier" Iris said.

"Hai[1]" Akito replied.

The three princes look at Iris with amazement. Usually when they have their etiquette lessons, they would be hit by a ruler if they did wrong, but Iris is different. She has that soft yet stern voice that could make anyone listen to what she's talking about. She gives that confidence to her student, and doesn't hurt them. She's gentle but can be strict. To them, she's truly different.

The three princes left after that. While going to their classroom, Erika ran to them.

"Why did you leave the class!" She said while pouting.

Fredrick scratched the back of neck nervously.

"We have something to do there that's why we left" he said.

"Really?! I really miss you!" Erika whined.

'I hope this works' she thought.

"Don't worry Erika! We'll be back in our class after a week!" Prince Andrew said happily.

'So easy to fool' Erika internally smirked.

"Really?! Okay!" Erika said ''happily'.

Then, the bell rang. Erika waved goodbye to the princes.

'This is too easy. I'll be done in no time' Erika thought.

But little did she know someone heard all her thoughts....

To be continued......



Hai - yes

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