Chapter 11

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Iris's pov

"Akito-kun are sure we can do this?" I asked.

"Of course! We're old enough to handle our responsibilities" he said.

"But isn't this too much? I mean we still need to go to our other classes" I said.

"No this isn't too much, plus I got permission from the headmaster" he assured me.

"He allowed us to do this?" I asked.

"Yes, now hurry!" He rushed me.

I quickened my pace.

"Faster!" He whisper-shouted.

"C'mon! Just a little bit more!" He said.


"Done!" I cheered.

"Good job Iris! You unlocked the locks!" Akito cheered.

If you're wondering what we're doing, I'll tell you.

Flashback start......

"Class you all may take your lunch" the teacher said.

All the students fixed their things and started to leave with their friends.

"Psst!" Akito said as he is trying to get Iris's attention.

"Hmm?" Iris hummed while fixing her things.

"C'mon let's go to the Enchanted Library" Akito said.

"But you guys still have classes after lunch" Kasai said.

"Don't worry I got that covered" he said.

"Are you okay with this Kasai?" Iris asked.

"It's okay as long as we don't get caught." Kasai replied.

"Well let's go now so we wouldn't get caught" Akito said.

In front of the academy's gates

"It's locked" Akito said.

"Akito-kun I know how to open locks" Iris said.

"Really?!" Akito asked.

"Hmm" Iris nodded.

Iris walked towards the gates, and removed a hair pin from her hair. She then started to open it.

Flashback end....

"Now, c'mon let's go to the Enchanted Library" Akito said.

"Hai[1]" I said.

Then, we ran to the Enchanted Library. Once we've reach the enchanted library, I must say I'm amazed. It's really big. We instantly looked for books about the legend.

Time skip~

After a few hours, I think, I still haven't found anything.

"Iris! C'mon you have to see this!" Akito hurriedly said.

I went to him and gave him a questioning look.

"This book gives information about the legend" Akito said, which interests me.

I look at the book, and started to read.  I scanned through the pages, and finally found some helpful information.

'The Legend Of The Forgotten Crystal Kingdom

To be continued....



Hai - yes

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