Chapter 18

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Iris's pov

Me and Akito are practicing right now. Practicing, I mean me teaching him. I smiled as I see Akito walking like a royal. I clapped my hands.

"Good job Akito-kun!" I cheerfully said.

Akito smiled at me.

"I'm glad to hear" he said.

I took the books above his head.

"That's all for today" I declared.

He sighed, and laid on the floor.

"Wahh! So tired!" He whined.

I couldn't help but giggle. I also laid on the ground. Then, I closed my eyes.

*Sigh* Being a noble is troublesome. Sometimes, I just wish to go back to my past life.

I opened my eyes, and looked at the sky

I miss it so much.....

"Akito-kun have you ever wished to live a simple life just once?" I asked while looking at the sky.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean a simple life.  A life with happiness and peacefulness, a life with someone you can spend with, a life that you wouldn't care about your image, a life where status doesn't define who you are, and a life where you could just be who you are" I explained.

"No, I haven't thought of that." Akito answered my question.

"To be honest, I kinda envy these 'so called commoners' because sometimes when I look at them, even if they're having a hard time, they still can manage being happy. They can be free to show others their true selves. I also envy them because the parents can manage to bond with their children even if they're busy. Commoners' families have a strong bond, unlike us. We, nobles, don't actually have those things. We might have high status, but our family bonds are a little weak, but of course not all nobles experience that." I said.

Oh how I wish to go back to past life. I miss my past family. I miss my past friends. I miss my past self..... I wanna go back

"But don't you have a strong bond with you mother and your brother?" Akito asked.

"Yes, that's true, but don't you sometimes ask yourself why you haven't seen my father?" I asked.

In my past life, I had an amazing family. They are loving and caring.....

"Sometimes.." he replied.

"Well, you see my father is gone. He's not dead, but he left us for another woman" I said as I clenched my fist

He's a bastard. A jerk that I never want to be related to. The real Iris and her family doesn't deserve that jerk. I wanna kill him.

Iris calm down... Let's just change the topic..

"Sorry for asking a question out of the blue" I said while smiling at him.

I shouldn't cry over spilled milk. I won't let my self regret anything in this life. I need to live my life to the fullest! Fighting!

"C'mon! Enough with the drama! Let's continue" I said.

I stood up, and gave Akito a hand. He held my hand, and I helped him get up. Once we were both standing, I smiled.

"C'mon Akito-kun let's go. Let's continue our search because I think we're almost there into finding what we're looking for" I said.

Akito nodded.

Akito's pov

I sighed, and laid on the ground.

"Wahh! So tired!" I whined.

Iris-chan giggled at my action. Then, she joined me, and laid on the ground.

"Akito-kun have you ever wished to live a simple life just once?" She suddenly asked.

I looked at her in surprise, but she can't see that. She was looking at the sky when I looked at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean a simple life.  A life with happiness and peacefulness, a life with someone you can spend with, a life that you wouldn't care about your image, a life where status doesn't define who you are, and a life where you could just be who you are" she explained.

"No, I haven't thought of that." I answered her question.

"To be honest, I kinda envy these 'so called commoners' because sometimes when I look at them, even if they're having a hard time, they still can manage being happy. They can be free to show others their true selves. I also envy them because the parents can manage to bond with their children even if they're busy. Commoners' families have a strong bond, unlike us. We, nobles, don't actually have those things. We might have high status, but our family bonds are a little weak, but of course not all nobles experience that." She said sadly.

She's actually right. My family is quite distant because of work. We, me and my family, might be famous because of our rank but our family is pretty distant to each other.

"But don't you have a strong bond with you mother and your brother?" I asked.

"Yes, that's true, but don't you sometimes ask yourself why you haven't seen my father?" She asked me.

True. I never actually saw or even hear about her father. She doesn't have pictures with him.

"Sometimes.." I replied.

"Well, you see my father is gone. He's not dead, but he left us for another woman" She said.

She faced me, and smiled.

"Sorry for asking a question out of the blue" she said while smiling.

I always adored that smile. It can brighten anyone's day. But behind that joyful smile, is someone who's longing for a father's love.

I smiled at her.

"C'mon! Enough with the drama! Let's continue" She said.

She stood up, and gave me a hand. I held her hand, and she helped me get up. Once we were both standing, she smiled.

"C'mon Akito-kun let's go. Let's continue our search because I think we're almost there into finding what we're looking for" She said.

I nodded.

To be continued......

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