Chapter 10

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Iris's pov

Right now, I'm in the academy's library with Akito, a friend of mine, and Kasai. Me and Akito are doing a research about the "Legend Of The Missing Crystal Kingdom" while Kasai is just playing around. So far, this legend has caught my interest.

As you know, I'm living in the land of the crystals. This is actually why I'm curious about the legend. I don't know why would there be a Crystal Kingdom, if we're already living in the land of the Crystals. Isn't the land of the Crystals same with the Crystal Kingdom?

It's a bit suspicious, does this mean that there is another Kingdom out there like where I'm living in now?

In the novel, it was only mentioned a couple of times, maybe two to five times. That's why my knowledge about this is limited.

So far, me and Akito-kun haven't gathered much information. I don't know why, but I just have this feeling that I need to find out this lost kingdom. I can't really explain it.

I snapped out of my thoughts, and looked at Kasai. He was now playing around with books that are stacked. I smiled. Then, I looked at Akito-kun. He is really busy with the whole search. To be honest, I still don't know why Akito-kun is helping me with this whole search.

"Akito-kun not to be rude but, why are you helping me with this?" I asked him.

"Well, like you, I'm also curious. I want to find the lost kingdom" he simply replied, not even looking away from the book.

I nodded, understanding his answer. Then, I started to find more information about the legend.

Time skip

A couple of days later~

Its been 3 days since Akito and I started the research and we still haven't find any other information. Right now, I am walking with Kasai in my arms. This guy is too cute.

"Iris-chan!" A voice shouted.

I turned around to see Akito running towards me. Once he reached me, he was panting. I used my right hand to take a water bottle from my bag.

"Here, Akito-kun" I said while handing him the bottled water.

"Thanks" he said while getting it. He then drank the water quickly.

"Akito-kun slow down, you might choke" I said while giggling at his actions.

"Well, I ran all the way here just to catch up to you" he said.

"It's not my fault you ran all the way here" I said as I playfully rolled my eyes.

He frowned and pouted. I just laughed at his childish acts.

"C'mon, let's get breakfast. I'm hungry!" I whined.

"Yeah, I'm hungry too" he said.

At the cafeteria~

Me, Akito, and Kasai are now sitting in one of the tables in the cafeteria. We are now eating.

"Show *nom* how will we get *nom* mowe infor*nom*mation?" I ask while eating.

"Iris! Don't talk when your mouth is full! It's unladylike!" Akito scolded.

"Hai[1] hai mom" I teased.

"Now, going back, let's try searching at the Enchanted Library, there are a lot of books there" Akito said.

"Yeah you're right!" I said.

"Now, let's go to class and discuss this later" he said.

"Ok" I simply said.

Then we walked to our classroom.

To be continued....



Hai - yes

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