Chapter 21

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In Iris's dream

*Opens eyes*

A lady with white hair smiled at me. I blinked, and looked around.

*Gently laughs*

"You're finally awake my little rainbow" a lady said with a smile.

She tapped my nose.


"C'mon let's eat" she said.

She fed me while smiling. After a few minutes, the sky became dark.


The lady frowned. She stood up, and walked to a mansion.....

"My lady...." a man wearing an armor said.

The lady looked at the man and nodded. She gave me to a maid. Then, she went to the guy.


"Shh, shh, young lady please don't cry" the maid said.

"Shh, shh" she said once again.

*Cries louder*

"Cristina, please give me my little rainbow" the lady said.

The maid gave me to her.

*Smiles gently*

"Shh, shh, mommy is here" the lady said.

When walked to a chair, and sat there.

*Continues to cry*

She smiled at me, and placed me on her lap. She patted my head.


The white haired lady started humming....


Baby please stop crying
Your future is still there waiting
Don't be afraid of anything
Even if you don't know what's coming

Never give up, never lose hope
Give everything you've got, make that your oath
You will bring color to this world one day
In the future, you will drive all evil away


The lady held her hand up, and some blue lights appeared from her palm. I tried to touch it, but my hands are too small to reach it.

You will be the light of this kingdom
Stay positive, never think that you're worrisome
You should always smile brightly
Be happy and stay lively

Your smile should last forever
Never frown even if you think it's all over
Be brave, be strong, be a warrior
Never think that you are a goner


After she finished singing, I calmed down. She smiled at me, and wiped my tears.

"Stop crying my little rainbow. Remember that you should always smile, so you'll look prettier!" She said.

Then, snowflakes appeared from her palm. The snowflakes went around me.


"You should always smile my little rainbow. I'm sure that you'll save our kingdom one day. " The lady gently said.

"It has been so many years, And I'm sure that our kingdom have gone through so much sufferings. I have faith in you my little rainbow" that lady said.

" I may not be the chosen princess, but I am sure that you are the one my little rainbow" the lady added.

She smiled at me again.

"I believe in you my little I-" she started but was cut of by shaking.

'Why is everything shaking?'

Dream ends

*Opens eyes*

"Iris, thank God you are finally awake!" Akito said.

"I've been shaking you for a while now. You made me worried......" Akito said.

"I'm sorry Akito-kun. I guess I was tired" I lied.

"Nevermind that, let's go down stairs. Aunt Evangeline made lunch." Akito said.

"C'mon! Let's eat I'm starving!" I said.

I got up, and fixed my hair. Then, we went down stairs.

While walking to the dinner area, I can't help but wonder about the dream that I had.

'what did that lady mean when she said she's not the chosen princess?'

'why is her face blurred?'

I can't stop thinking about that dream. It felt so real.......

To be continued......

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