Chapter 12

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'The Legend Of The Forgotten Crystal Kingdom

The land of the Crystals is known as the land with no royalty because there is no palace in this land.

The people believes that the kingdom was once a ruled by a kind and powerful king and queen. Until one day, the royal palace disappeared. Even now, the people still believes in that.

It was said that one rainy day, in the Crystal kingdom, the queen was giving birth to a lovely daughter. Once the girl was born, the rain stopped and the sun started to shine once again. The cries of the baby girl was heard all over the castle. The queen smiled gently as she held her daughter.  The baby opened her eyes and looked at mer mother. Then, her cries has stopped. Once the baby girl stopped crying, a rainbow appeared and happy smiles came to view.

The queen said, "I shall name you _______. You will be a bearer of good news. Not only to our kingdom, but to the world." Then, a strong wind came, almost messing up all the things in the queen's room. Once the wind has stopped, a wicked looking lady appeared.

"You are banished from the Crystal Kingdom as I, Amelia Wickura, will be the new ruler of this kingdom!" The lady said. She summoned her staff and raise it above. The queen shouted, "No! Guards! Seize this lady". Then, the kingdom's guards came and fought the lady. She put down her staff. Green smoke surrounded the queen and her daughter.

The queen cried, "I won't let you take over this kingdom!" The lady smiled slyly and said, "There's nothing you can do." The smoke is slowly disappearing. "No! I won't let you!"

Once the smoke had fully disappeared, the queen and her baby vanished. The queen kneeled, still holding her child.

"Heavens I ask you to help this kingdom. I beg you, please don't let that lady rule this kingdom with darkness. If that ever happen, please send us someone who is powerful enough to defeat her. Please I am begging you." The queen prayed.

The heavens heard the queen's pleas. They made the decision to hide the kingdom so that the darkness would not spread. They made a prophecy where the true princess will come to seek for the kingdom, and save it from the darkness.

Amelia smiled wickedly. She said to herself, "Starting today, the Kingdom of the Magical Crystals will be the kingdom with no light, mercy and especially NO LOVE."

Ever since that day, the Crystal Kingdom was no where to be found. Until now, the kingdom is still waiting for the person who is destined to save them......

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