Chapter 5

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~at the Crystallia manor~

Iris's pov

When we finally came to the manor, I walked straight to my room of course after I bid farewell to mom and onii-chan.

Those shameless Whites. I will make sure that they will pay in the future.....

I think that's enough thinking. I walk to my bathroom and took a quick shower then wore a night gown. Then, I go straight to bed.

~In the morning~

I woke up and took a bath. Then dress to this lolita type dress. The upper part is white and has little accessories while the bottom part is black with gold buttons on it. Then, I wear black flats. I styled my hair into a messy bun.

Then, I walk out of my room. And proceed to the living room of the mansion. I stopped in front of the living room door. I knocked three times before opening the door. I entered the living room. Mom and onii-chan is already there, and it looks like their discussing something. Then, mom looked at my direction.

"Dear starting tomorrow, you'll be attending the magic school" mom said.

"Hai[1]" I replied.

Then, I left the living room. I went to the library. I opened the library's door.

Ahh, I need to study more......

Then, I collected all the magic books I can find.

~ time skip ~

After a few hours, I've finished collecting all the books that I found. After collecting, I started to read and learn magic from these books. Right now, I'm practicing the major ones 'cause I already mastered the basics.

Plus, as you all know I attracted attention because of me using magic. Obviously, I already know basic magic spells. Like I said, I'm not a cheat.

~ time skip ~

It's already noon and I still haven't finish training. So far, I've mastered the basics and I'm already half way into mastering the major ones. It's actually natural for me to learn that fast because from my previous life, I've managed to learn things easily.

Ok, time for my afternoon tea. Since the day I've been reincarnated here, the maids usually make me tea during afternoon so it became a habit. Now, I'm a little tired from training and learning so I think that's enough. I then walk to my room.

Now, I'm gonna sort all the happenings from the original novel. In the real version, my mother was supposed to die yesterday. Of course, it is a plan that was made by the White family. Since the first attempt didn't work, they will work on another plan. I'm sure of that.

Now that I'm Iris, I won't let them hurt my family

To be honest, I don't get why Erika is the heroine. I mean she's not innocent at all in the first place. It's all a facade since she need it so that she wouldn't be blamed and to not destroy her and her family's image.

Then, I started to clean my room while waiting for my tea.

~Time skip~

Gosh what's taking my tea so long? Its been an hour and it's still not here.

I left my room, and go to the kitchen. I knocked at the kitchen's door before entering.

"Young mistress" all the servants greeted then bowed.

"There's no need to bow minna[2]..." I gently said motioning them to raise their head.

"I just came here to get some tea" I continued.

"Here, young mistress" a maid said, giving me tea.

"No, no, I want to make my own tea if you all don't mind" I said.

"We don't mind at all young mistress" they said.

"But... can you teach me how to make tea" I asked shyly.

"*chuckle* of course we'll help you young mistress" they replied.

Then, we started to make tea.

~another magical time skip~

Hmm~ tastes good~

"Arigatou[3] minna-san" I thank them.

"No need to thank us young mistress" Max-san, the head chef, said.

"Its natural for me to thank you all since you've help me a lot, and please no need for formalities" I said.

"But you-" ruki-san, a butler, said but was cut off by me.

"Please just call me Iris-chan" I said.

"But-" they said but cut themselves knowing that they can't win against me.

They all sighed but smiled.

"I'll be leaving now! Sayonara[4]" I said. Then, I left the kitchen.

What a experience... What should I do? I mean its afternoon and I've already done the things that I should do.

I walk to the garden.

Wow! This is actually my first time going to the garden, and it's beautiful! More beautiful than the picture in the book.

I walked around the garden.

To be continued....

Hai - yes
Arigatou - thank you
Minna-san - everyone
Sayonara - goodbye

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