Chapter 8

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Time skip 2 years~

3rd person's pov

Its been 2 years since Iris attended the academy. In those 2 years Iris lived her life in the academy peacefully. She had a few encounters with the princes, but she didn't really mind that. She became popular in the academy not only because of her status but also because of her personality. A lot of students enjoyed Iris's calm and kind personality.

Today is the day where Erika White will attend the academy. Erika focused on her plan to make the princes fall for her.

Erika is in front of the academy's gates. She smirked thinking that her family's plan is starting. She put on her mask before entering.

As for Iris, she didn't really care. She knows that Erika will be arriving today, but she didn't care. She didn't know what exactly Erika's plan is, but all she knows is that she's bad news. As long as Erika didn't hurt Iris's family, she doesn't care about what Erika will do.

With Erika

"Miss White, these are the people who'll give you a tour" the headmaster said.

'The princes, this is easier than I thought' Erika thought, mentally smirking.

"Ok!" Erika said with a fake happy voice.

They started the tour. While touring, they would chat. The 2 princes somehow looked like they were having fun. Erika was mentally smirking the whole time.

'The plan is already working, just a little more, and this will be done' Erika thought.

Little did she know that someone heard her thoughts.

With Iris

'*yawn* I finally got a peaceful sleep' Iris thought.

She got up, and looked at her surroundings.

'I never imagined that I will sleep in the garden' she thought.

'*sigh* well better get up before anyone sees me here' she thought.

Iris got up from the grasses. She cleaned up her uniform, and tidied up herself.

"Now, time to go to the classroom" she said while stretching her arms.

Once she's done stretching, she left the garden. She arrived at her classroom to be greeted by multiple students.

"Ohayou gozaimasu[1] Iris-chan!" They said.

"Ohayou minna-san[2]" Iris said with a smile.

Iris then sat on her designated seat. After a couple minutes, the teacher came.

"Ohayou sensei[3]" Iris said before bowing.

The other student bowed too.

"Ohayou everyone!" the teacher greeted.

"You may all seat down" the teacher said.

The students followed, and sat. Since Iris and the princes are not in the same class, Erika is also not in the same class as Iris.

'*sigh* I'm so thankful that I changed my class' Iris thought.

Time skip~lunch

"You may all take your lunches" sensei said.

With that, we all packed our things and started to go to the cafeteria. Once I got to the cafeteria, I just bought a sandwich the proceed to the music room.

I opened the room's door. I walked to the piano and started to play its keys.  I closed my eyes and breathed out.

3rd person's pov

Iris started humming a tune while playing the piano keys. Slowly her humming turned to singing, but it seem that she didn't notice it.

Human - Christina Perri

I can hold my breath
I can bite my tongue
I can stay awake for days
If that's what you want
Be your number one

*Soft rustle*

A soft rustle that can barely be heard came from a bag that was on one of the benches in the music room. The zipper slowly opened, and a head popped out the bag. The small creature struggled to get out the bag.

I can fake a smile
I can force a laugh
I can dance and play the part
If that's what you ask
Give you all I am

*Soft rustle*

The small creature eventually got out of the bag that was on the bench. Once it got out of the bag, you can see it's soft auburn fur. It looked at Iris.

I can do it
I can do it
I can do it

It stared at Iris for a while. Then, the small creature hopped of the bench,and slowly walk towards Iris.

But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human

The small creature jumped to where Iris sat, and sat on Iris's side. Iris noticed this, so she looked at the furry creature. 

I can turn it on
Be a good machine
I can hold the weight of worlds
If that's what you need
Be your everything

She smiled at the small creature. The small creature then went to Iris's lap. It snuggled to Iris's lap. Iris smiled at this, and continued to sing.

I can do it
I can do it
I'll get through it

But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human

I'm only human
I'm only human
Just a little human

I can take so much
'Til I've had enough

'Cause I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human

To be continued....



Ohayou gozaimasu/Ohayou - good morning
Minna-san - everyone
Sensei - teacher

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