1.8 Creeps

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I open my eyes and realize I fell asleep. Last night the kids and I talked a bit about weird stuff. Sometimes I had no clue what they were saying, but I just laughed. I look at my lap and see Alex sleeping. I carefully lift up his head and slowely move my legs and put his head on the seat. I then walk outside and walk towards the camper, but before I get to the camper the guy with half-long black hair stands slides infront of me, "Hey, I heared you talking to those kids last night, pretty cute, you're gay right?" My heart starts pounding because of having one of those homophobic teen guys standing right infront of me, but without even knowing the best reply just comes out of my mouth, I sigh "Yes, I am, now what? You gonna kiss me?" The 2 feet taller guy looks at me as if I'm a ghost and I see that he did not expect that reply. I walk around him and keep walking until I reach the ladder, I hear the guy's voice right on my left and feel his hand on my shoulder, "So you do want a kis?" I say. He looks down, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I should've known you would think I was trying to make fun of you, but if it helps, I'm bisexual, so I kind of know what it's like being bullied. Because of your sexuality." Look up, "I never was bullied because of my sexuality. I'm sorry I screamed at you though." He smiles, "It's okay. My name is Eric." I step down from the ladder, "I'm Julian." He smiles and looks at the ladder then back at me, "I knew your name already." I think he can tell by the look on my face how weird that is to me, I never even talked to him. He laughs, "I kind of listened to you talking to those kids last night." I smile, "perv." He laughs, "I'm sorry." I look at his hand leaning against the ladder, "I kind of have watch this morning." He looks at his hand and pulls it away, "Mind if I keep you company?" "No ofcourse not, keeping watch is boring, I could use the conpany." He smiles and I climb up. As I reach the top I see my bow leaning against a chair, not yet spanned. And I span it again. As I bend over to span it I see Eric behind me through my legs and it looks a lot like he's checking me out. I get up and look at him, "So, Eric, how old are you?" He smiles, "I'm 19, and you?" "You're 3 years older than me, mr." "Why are you talking to me like that?" He asks sounding a little worried. I smile, "Where you checking me out?." He blushes. "Don't worry, I'll let you live. Just this once twelve." His face says confusion. I smile, "It's from a film, The Hunger Games? Ever heard of?" He shakes his head, "You haven't? What kind of a rock where you living under?! It's like the best film ever." He smiles, "Maybe, if we find it and a working tv and all, we could watch it." He says. I giggle, not like a normal laugh, just something I have never heared myself do before. He laughs and I laugh too. Eric breaths in to make clear he has something to say, but before he can say what he wanted to say we hear a car driving in thw distance. We look over and see a red car, driving horribly. "Everyone heads up! We got someone heading our way!" I hear some foor steps and see Annabelle taking cover behind a blue car, she points her silenced gun at the car. I also see John and Max, John holding the futuristic revolver and Max pointing his shotgun at the car. The car stops by crashing into another car. I put my bow down and climb down the ladder and grab Max's handing he had in his gun holster, "Cover me, I'm going to check it out." I run towards them and put the gun off safety. When I get there I point my gun at a guy with short brown hair getting out of the car, "Put your hands where I can see them!" He puts his hands in the air, "Please don't shoot, please help me get my friends out of the car, I only have a knife, for the dead." I look inside and see a black-haired guy behind the weel and a girl with dyed red hair in the back seat. "Then drop your knife." He throws his knife on the ground. I lay my gun on one of the car roofs and sign the others to come help. I run towards the back door and sign the guy who I hold at gun point to get the other guy out. As I help the girl out of the car I see the other guy lulling the driver out of the car. I drag the girl 40 feet away from the car and then lay her down. I then hear Johns voice behind me and I tell him to get the gun on top of the car roof. I see the brown haired guy dragging the driver towards us. I run towards him and help him. We put him down and I ask him, "Anything else you got in there you don't want to lose?" The guy nods, "There's a shotgun and a few shells in the trunk!" I run towards the car and when i'm about 20 feet away from the car, I hear the explosion and see fire, I jump behind a car but I hit my head against something pretty hard and everything goes black.

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