1.9 I'm still here

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I see flashes of worried faces and serious faces, I see Eric, John, Max, the new guy, my mom and then the young family mom. I hear her say something about alcohol. And then everything goes pitch black. I feel a bite in my foot and my eyes are wide open, I look and see one of the rotters, I look at my foot, but there's no bite. I want to kick it away, but I can't move. I look closely and realize the walker seems familiar, is- is that my dad... The rotter looks at me and opens it's mouth and... barks... it barks at me. Then I open my eyes and look through the roof window of the camper. I get up and see the young family mom throwing Sokje out of the camper. I want to tell her it's okay but get silenced by a seriously painful sting on my forehead. I put my hand on my head and feel something soft, bandages? I hear the door close and then I hear the woman say, "Oh, hey, you're up. You hit your head pretty hard." I lay back down, "What happened?" The woman looks under the bandage and looks into some cabins, "You hit your head on a, very, pointy rock when you jumped away from the explosion. You are very lucky, somehow it didn't crack your skull open. But you lost a lot of blood." She grabs a can with pills and reads the label, "You need some antibiotics. Here." She says as she hands me a pill and a glass of water. I put the pill in my mouth and drink the water. "I don't think you know my name yet, I'm Alice, my husband's name is Xavier and my daughter's name is Stella. I smile, "Glad to see some families still complete." She smiles. I hear the door open and I see Anna bulging in, Alice turns around, "I told you already, he needs rest!" Alice tries pushing her out again, "No it's okay, she can stay." Alice lets go of Anna and Anna kneels down next to me, "Are you okay?" I nod, "I'm fine, really." She smiles, "Good." Then the door opens again and I see my mom coming in this time. Alice puts her face in her hands, "I can't believe it, what did I say!?" My mom pushes Alice aside and sits down on the other side, "I'm fine mom, I'm good" she releases a sigh, "Good, I was worried sick." I smile, "I know mom, you always are." I see a tear rolling down her cheek as she smiles, "That's what I do!" She says as she rolls her eyes. I smile, but as soon as I want to make a joke I feel a sting again. I laugh a bit, "It still hu..." before I can finsih my sentence everything goes black again. No dream this time, just blackness. I wake up and see the roof window again, it's dark this time, "How long was I out?" I get no reply and I get up and see Alice sleeping in a chair. I sit straight up and put my feet on the ground. I hold onto the kitchen table and push myself up. I walk towards the door, step by step, I'm doing alright, I don't feel that dizzy anymore. I open the door and step outside. I look around and hear a few voices. I walk towards the voices and realize I'm clothed, luckily. I walk by the bus, by the SUV and in front of the SUV I see them sitting around a fire. I see Max on top of the SUV with Annabelle's rifle. I then hear my name, "Hey, Julian is up." All the heads turn to me as Alex says my name. I smile, "Hey." Then I feel my head floating off and I fall on the ground as if I lost control of my legs. I swear I was on both my feets just now. I feel a hand on my shoulder and they help me up, "Thanks." I look at the helper and see it's Eric. He smiles. I look at the group and realize my mom's missing and I see a new face, a guy, not one in the car, but just a new guy. I look at Eric, "Where's my mom and who's the new guy?" I look back at the guy and see that Alex is sitting on his lap. Eric answers my question, "Your mom is in the bus with the kids except Alex, he's with the new guy, his brother, named Jack." I smile, "That makes me happy, they don't deserve to be alone." I sit down and feel a bit dizzy again. The next thing I know is that I wake up in the bus again. I shoot up and look around, I feel a lot better now, I feel my head and don't feel the bandages anymore. I look around and see that it's light. I get up and look around for anyone, I bump into the guy I dragged out of the car as I step out of the bus, I look around outside and see a different place, it's a lot warmer and a lot less mountains, "How long was I out?" I can see the guy think, "About a week I think..." A week?! How am I walking?! Am I not supposed to be feeling weak and stuff. Was that like a coma? I push the guy aside, "Thanks." I walk as fast as I can towards the camper, and I open the door. I see my mom and Alice sitting at the table and the dogs laying on the couch I was sleeping the first time I passed out. I can tell by the looks on their faces that they are as confused as I am, "H-hey..." Alice says. My mom walks up to me and hugs me, "I thought you were dying..." I smile, "Don't worry, I'm still here."

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