2.2 The Bigger Threat

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He guides Julian to a door and opens it to reveal a private training room. It used to be a huge fish tank. They're in a zoo. The man clears his throat, "We found this place in the beginning. Most people came to us because we seemed like we knew what we were doing. We didn't. We made up this brawl thing and it ended in this. Then people started questioning me and they challanged me. It wasn't supposed to be like this. But it also did." He walks to a few mannequins and points at them and then nods at a few weapons next to Julian: a bow, arrows, throwing knifes and two short swords. "We found this in a castle ruïn. It was worth it, lots of swords and spears. Guns are fine for the living, melee weapons are better for the bigger threat: the undead." Julian picks up a few knifes and throws them in the heads of the mannequins, one after the other. The man claps his hands and laughs, "They really didn't lie about you! You're awesome! The others don't stand a chance." Julian seems to be thinking and Mack seems to notice, "What are you thinking about?" Julian looks up at Mack, who is walking back towards Julian, "What happens to you when I lose?" Mack's face goes to serious and switches between smiles and serious, "Well, the challengers has to kill me afterwards. It's the least amount of victims of our group. The challengers only get one chance to challenge me, the losers get the lowest rank possible. Which is killing the undead outside the gate. Very dangerous." Julian nods.

They continue training for 2 days. And then suddenly Julian wakes up in a different bed. Not his 'room' he gets up and he hears the shouting of the man again, "Good morning everyone! Are you all excited?!" The people scream in excitement. "But we have to be quiet now. The ones who still sleep will have a disadvantage, but I'm sure most are still awake. And remember. It's dangerous, if they shoot or throw at the public, they get eliminated and by that I mean, killed." Most people are suprisingly quiet, just a few laughs and a lot of whispering fills the 'arena' Mack told Julian that the arena is actually the tank they used for the orca shows. "Let's start the count down. Count with me! Three... two... one... go!" A horn rings through the arena and Julian sprints outside, ready to fight. He looks around and sees a stack of weapons in the middle. He runs towards it and sees vague blood stains on the ground as he runs as fast as he possibly can. Once he has reached the middle he looks for knifes or a sword. He grabs a knife he spotted as he hears footsteps behind him. He turns around and throws the knife in a guy's chest. He doesn't remember his face, but that guy doesn't look like a big threat, he doesn't seem innocent either. Julian turns back around and grabs a belt with a few throwing knifes attached to it. He also grabs a short blade that seems to be light, but strong. Just before julian tries to run away, an arrow flies over his head and nearly hits him. He ducks behind a few boxes and looks to see who tried to shoot him. A short haired angry woman is holding a bow and seems like the shooter. But before she can shoot another arrow she gets stabbed by a big muscled guy holding a long sword. Julian doesn't hesitate and starts to run away. He hides behind a wall and lets the others fight it out. He realizes he's got to cover his tracks, so he runs around, trying to get to the other side, so the others will think he's one the other side and then he can kill them when their backs are turned. As he runs he doesn't see Regina anywhere, but he does see the big guy, killing one after the other in the middle. He counts the bodies on the ground, he sees 4 dead guys and the short-haired woman roams around, re-animated. Julian spots a guy lurking from behind a big wooden box. He sneaks up on him and stabs him in the neck. As the guy bleeds out on the floor, Julian stabs him again, this time in the head, killing him. Julian looks for Regina, if she's not dead, then there are only three people left. Julian, big guy and mayne someone else, probably Regina. Julian runs to the middle and throws a knife at the muscled man. The man grunts as the knife hits him in his left shoulder, unfortunately, he's right handed. Julian swings his blade at muscle guy, but he dodges with ease. Julian dodges a few of myscle man's attacks, but not with such ease as he does to Julian's attacks. Julian is barely managing as Regina comes to his rescue and shoots an arrow right through his throat. Julian finishes it by stabbing him in the heart and then a knife in the back of the head. Julian immediately ducks behind a few cabins. As Regina shoots another arrow, nearly hitting Julian. "Never thought archery would be this easy. Looked way more complicated." She shouts as Julian holds his blade, ready to throw it. He gets up and holds his arm up, but before he can throw his blade, an arrow flies into his arm. The crowd cheers loudly and Regina laughs. Sge slowely walks towards Julian, picking up an axe on her way, she kicks Julian's blade out of reach. Julian slowely crawls up on his knees, "Just get it over with" he spits at her. Her smile grows wider and she swings her axe, but before the blade can hit Julian's head, her throat get sliced open, by one of Julian's throwing knifes. Regina drops her axe as blood comes pouring out of her fatal cut. She drops to the ground as Julian gets up. The crowd goes wild as Julian is triumphant. And he looks at Regina as she slowely drowns on her own blood and he wishes it could last forever.

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