1.10 50 Years

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Alice told me she couldn't explain to me how I was still up and running, well, more walking. I'm still a bit dizzy. But she said it was all normal and that it will go away in a few days. She also told me we're very close to Malaga, which is the place we are going, to meet the guy Paul told us about, "We're just taking a break. Max, Annabelle, Xavier and John are out looking for food water and gas." Alice says as she helps me get to the bus. "Most of the others are practicing their gun schooting with Lucy. Including your mom and boyfriend." I laugh, "He's not my boyfriend." As she helps me step into the bus she looks at me, "Then you should know, he rarely left you alone, he would sit next to you for hours, when he finally agreed on going out for supply searching or when we were eating, he would go straight back when we finished." I pause, "I like him, I do. But I just don't think I want a relationship right now..." She smiles, "I see..." we continue walking to the back in silence until she helps me sit down and breaks the silence, "You should tell him that. It's the least you can do." I nod. Alice smiles again, "Now, get some sleep." I smile and nod. I lay down and close my eyes. I hear Alice leaving the bus and walking away. I can't sleep, ofcourse not, I've been sleeping for a week. I open my eyes again and look around. I realize the bus is empty, did they take the children to shoot? I guess that's normal now. I look for the dogs, but realize they're gone too. They can't use a gun, obviously, Sokje does not like loud noises, but Mino can attack on command. Don't ask why. My dad has issues. Had, issues. I look outside and see the othet side of the high way and behind that I see trees and mountains. I get up and walk to the exit, I'm ready to get some air. Screw resting. I should be fine, I rested for a week. I step outside and hear some barking on my left. I look to where I heared the sound from and see Sokje running towards me. I kneel and hug and pet her. She licks my face and wiggles her tail. I smile, "You missed me huh? Who's a good girl!" She was always the cuddly one. when I get up I hear a voice behind me, "I am." I turn around and see the red dye girl behind me, "I'm sorry, what?" She smiles, "I'm a good girl." She laughs and I giggle but before I can say something back she stops laughing and looks me dead serious in the eye, "I saw how much Eric cares about you. But he's not your boyfriend right? And he never will be. He's mine." I feel my face getting red from anger. Who the hell does she think she is. I grab the knife from her belt and put it to her throat, "Don't think you're tougher than me girl, don't think you win a fight with me, do not talk to me like I'm beneath you. people did that to me before and now I'm done being sorry for myself. So don't talk to me like that. Or you will be sorry." She swallows and says nothing. I smile and put away the knife revealing a small cut on her throat, "You should get that checked... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." She's still shocked but answers with her name, "My name is Angel." I look at her, "That name does not suit you at all." Her accent sounds brittish and now that I think about it so did Jack's. I smile and turn around and continue walking to the SUV, "It was nice talking to you, Angel." She'll be back for more, then I won't just stop at that cut. As I walk by the front of the bus I see the other guy, the guy who was with Angel and Jack, "Hey, I didn't get to introduce myself to you." I say to him. He turns around and smiles kindly, "You don't have to, I already know your name, Julian. My name is Aaron." I laugh, "I never get to introduce myself." He laughs, "Your boyfriend told me your name, he saw you before you passed out." I continue walking, "He's not my boyfriend!" I hopen the door to the SUV and see Paul sleeping in one of the passenger seat, "Paul! Wake up!" He shoots up and looks at me, "Where did everyone go shooting?" I can see him thinking. "I don't know. Max told me. But I forgot." I smack the door shut and look in the back, they left a few of the guns in here, and my bow! I close the doors and walk towards the Camper. Alice probably knows where they went. But halfway the bus I feel a cold thing in my neck and hear a deep voice, "Hands where I can see them." Fuck me. I lay the bow down and get up again. Good think I already put the quiver on my belt, "The arrows too." Shit. I grab the arrows out of the quiver and throw them on the ground, "Happy now?" I hear the guy laugh and then his laugh softens and gets lauder again. As if he turned around, so either he's being cautious or he has company. I then hear someone shout, "Put the gun down, bitch!" I feel the gun move and don't hesitate to kick him against his knee and push the gun away. He shoots the gun infront of my face, just inches away from me. Turn around and kick him against his face and grab the gun and point it at the other people behind him, a pregnant woman and an elderly man. The elderly man points the gun at me and I can't help but pull the trigger. The bullet hits his shoulder and he falls to the ground. I help the other man on the ground up and push him to the pregnant woman. The guy turns around... but it's not a man... "I thought you were a guy!" The woman laughs, "That's what happens when you smoke for fifty years!" I see Aaron moving closer while pointing the gun at the woman, "Stop moving." He says.
She wiggles her arms around in the air, "You won't shoot me, I know you won't." I point the gun at her knee and gently squeeze the trigger, like they say in films and stuff. The woman screams and falls on the ground, "You little shit!" I then hear some people coming our way, it's Lucy with Eric. They point their guns at them and the woman turns around, "I was wondering where the rest were, almost thought Max lied to us." I look at the woman's face, "Max did what?" The woman smiles, "We have him, they came to our base. We have them."

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