1.3 Rotting process

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The whole class is going crazy now. It has been almost an hour since the teacher left. I get up and Anna, Janice, Jennifer and some others look at me. As I walk towards the door I say "I don't know about you guys, but I'm out of here. I'm not just going to sit here and talk. I need to see what's going on." I open the door and leave the classroom I walk towards the staircase and I look at the other classrooms... they're all empty. Everyone left, is the school on fire?! Why didn't someone come for us?! As those words fly through my head I start running. I run down the stairs until I see a man standing in the hallway. I walk towards the man and ask him "Hey sir, what is going on? Did everyone leave?" The man slowely turns around and I feel as if the whole world stops moving. The man's nose is gone, his cheek is gone, his chest is ripped open. I don't know what is going on but I look around and see a hammer laying on the ground. I grab it and point it at the man "D-don't come any closer sir..." He doesn't listen to me and instead he slowely starts moving faster. Not sprinting, just walking fast. I slowely move back until the man is about a meter away from me and I swing the hammer, the hammer penetrates the mans skull, as the man falls to the ground I let go of the hammer and step back and sit down on the stairs. Then I hear someone behind me scream "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" I turn around and I see Anna, Janice and Jennifer standing behind me at the beginning of the stairs. Jennifer was the one who screamed. I look back at the man "He wouldn't listen... Anna... his face and chest were... his chest was ripped open..." Anna rushes down the stairs and pushes the man on his back with her foot. "Fuck, that's gross." I nod. Jennifer comes down too and says "I'll go look for a teacher, if they're still around." Anna nods and sits down next to me and says "We should probably talk to the others still in the classroom." And as she gets up we hear screaming coming from up stairs. Anna runs up the stairs and I pull the hammer out of the man's head and follow Anna. Anna has reached the end of the stairs already and just stares at something I run faster and when I finally reach the end of the stairs I look at where Anna stares at and see something no-one should ever see... people like the man I killed are eating the other children in our class... Anna runs towards them but I stop her, "There is nothing we can do... it may sound in humane, but they are gone, if we go there now, we'll get ourselves killed and end up being eaten too. There are too many of them." Anna nods and we run down stairs Janice looks at us and I say as I go down the stairs "There is nothing we can do for them." Her face becomes serious and she looks like she's going to cry. And just when I reached the last step of the stairs we hear another scream, coming from where Jennifer went. We run towards the scream and see Jennifer fighting one of the rotten I run as fast as I can towards the rotten person. I swing the hammer and I look away, I hear the bone break and I open my eyes, I got it in the back. But instead of falling to the ground it bites Jennifer in her shoulder, I pull the hammer out and swing again, this time aiming for the head. The rotten falls to the ground. I turn to Jennifer and I tell Anna to get some kind of fabric or a medkit. She runs towards the reception and grabs the medkit that's behind the counter. She sprints back and hands me the medkit. I open it and grab the bandage I wrap it around her shoulder as tight as I can. We need to get her to a hospital, she's losing a lot of blood, I think. I look around for my hammer, "Anna! Grab my hammer!" As she grabs the hammer I turn to Janice, "Janice, look for something sharp, anything you can stab with. And Anna go with her." They nod and go to the canteen. I look at Jennifer and she seems okay, alive at least. "Jen, you're going to be alright, but I have to go look for a weapon, I won't go far, if you need me, just shout my name as loud as you can, okay?" She nods. I get up and look around, the reception would be my best shot at finding something. It's also not very far. I sprint to the reception and look around. all I see are things for incase a fire, some printers, papers and chairs. Then I realize there maybe could be something in the fire extinguisher safe thing. I open the safe and look inside, and I was right, a fire axe. I grab the axe and run back to Jennifer. She doesn't seem much worse. I kneel next to her and look around for any of the rotten. She smiles "Hey, you're back." I nod, "Yep, and I got this axe for the rotten." She smiles, "Cool." I get up, and again, look for any rotten people. I hear footsteps, they're fast. Running. Janice and Anna come around the corner, "We found these." They show their hands and have each two knifes in each hand. I nod, "Good job. Now we just need to go." Anna and I help Jwnnifer up and we walk towards the exit. Once we reached it we realize the doors can't open because the electricity is gone. I tell Janice to help Anna with Jennifer. And I punch the axe against the glass. Only a scratch. I swing another time, this time with much more power. The glass starts to burst, but it's not there yet. I hit it one more time and... yes! The glass shatters and I cover my eyes. Just one more glass wall. I hit it and it cracks a little. I hit it again and this time it shatteres, I cober my eyes again and then sign the others to follow me. "There's a apothecary nearbye it also has a general practitioner! Follow me." I look around for the dead, but there are none around this time. We walk for a little while, we're lucky it's so close. I look behind me and see that Jennifer is slowely closing her eyes, I run back and grab her legs and tell Janice to support her back, we run towards the stairs and into the building but when put Jennifer down toI look around for a doctor, the only thing I see is the rotten and blood, a lot of blood. I turn around again and pick her legs back up, "RUN!"

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