1.16 Shoot My Friend

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Janice keeps staring at me for my answer. She's probably about Ilse her age, Ilse is 21. I'm 5 years younger. She continues her questions as I continue my ignoring. Then as she asks another question we hear a scream for help. Janice gets up, "Stay here!" she commands me as she leaves the RV, I hear a few more screams and a few people shout for back up. I just sit there, they can handle a few of the dead. But the screaming gets less and less. I look up as the door opens and Janice aims her gun at the door, "It's not rotters. It's someone with a bow. And knifes." I look outside and see a few people with knifes in their throats, faces, chests. I also see people killed with arrows, a few of them already turned. But most of the dead have been dead for a while. I focus on the bushes and trees around the camp. The camp is just a few RV's and vans parked in a circle with a few tents and a campfire in the middle. I scan the woods, looking for anything, just when I'm about to sit back down I see an arrow point shimmer in the shadows. The archer releases the arrow, letting it fly through the air. It bursts through the window and hits Janice in the chest. I sit back down and try to reach for Janice her gun but it's too far away, so I grab her knife, which is just in range, instead. I hide behind a chair and hold on tightly to the knife. I can hear screams, but they're less loud. I wait until it's dead silent. I get up and walk out the door. I look around for the archer but I see nothing. But then I hear a voice, "Don't move. Don't even think about it. Drop the knife." As I drop the knife I feel something hit my head and everything gets black again.
I wake up in a comfortable bed. I look around looking for someone sitting in a chair holding a cat and asking me questions, but I see nothing and no-one suspicious. I realized I'm not even taped to the bed or anything. I get up and walk towards the door and put my ear against it, trying to make up what's going on outside my... room? I hear a guy's voice, "We can't just let her out, I've been watching them for a while, but I couod still be wrong. We'll let Regina talk to both of them, she's a good judge of character." I hear footsteps, getting softer, so I assume someone is walking away.

Julian's Point of view

As I walk away I bump into someone, I don't care, I keep walking, until I hear a familiar voice, "Is that how you're going to greet a friend you haven't seen in about a year?" I turn around and stand face to face with Aaron, "Aaron! How have you been? How's Jack?" He laughs "Hi! I'm great, Jack's great too, we're moving in together." I smile and put my hand on his shoulder, "I'm so happy for you guys, but how's Alex?" Aaron looks down, "He's fine, he just missed you. Your mom tried to get his mind off it, but he tried going out there sometimes. But he's fine, you should go and say hi to him though." I nod, "I will, but I have to talk to Magna now, I'll be back." I hear Aaron shout my name as I walk away and I turn around again, "Julian! One more thing... you don't know how sorry he is about what he did. He's just a kid, don't be too hard on him." I turn around and don't say anything. I walk towards Magna's office through the hallway. I greet people and people greet back. Some faces are familiar and some new. The group has lost a few people, but they have gained more than we've lost. Newborns & travellers. I see Stella, Max and Annabelle talking. I pass them by as I greet them and head into Magna's office. "Hi Julian, I heard you were back. Welcome." Magna doesn't look up from her books. I look around at the bookshelves, "Thank you, but I didn't come here to catch up on what happened here or to have just a friendly conversation." Magna looks up from her books, "Ofcourse not, you came here to talk about the people you brought in." I nod, "People want to let them free, but I don't agree, I could be wrong and they could be dangerous." She looks back down at her book, "Did they do anything suspicious when you were watching them?" I look down, "No, not at all, not even when they were under attack. Ilse helped me attack those raiders, but didn't kill any of them." Magna looks me in the eyes, "Release them. But keep an eye on them. They'll be walking with Lucy, she'll be guarding them until the end of the week and then we'll see." I nod and exit her office. I walk through the hallway, looking for Lucy's room, her room was down here last time I saw her, but a lot can change in a year. I see Lucy walking in the distance. I jog towards her and call her name, "Lucy!" She turns around and a small smile appears, "Hey Julian, you're back, how can I help you?" I look at her, "I brought in two new people, Pela and Ilse. I just talked to Magna and she wants you guarding them. I guess you could go to her office and talk to her about it." She nods and walks to Magna's office. I head upstairs and look for my room. After a little while I stand infront of de door of my room. I open it and to my surprise, it's clean. Someone must've cleaned it before I got back. I was gone for about a year. Too much has happened. I couldn't stay, I was too upset and angry. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I enter my room and crash down onto the made bed. I close my eyes and I drift off. I wake up from a hard bang. I hear soft laughing and something weird... is that moaning. I get up and realize it's the room next to me. Jack's room, but that's not a guy's voice... I leave my room and listen to Jack's door. Is he he cheating on Aaron? I slam the door open and see Angel in her underwear and Jack half dressed, "What is going on here?!" Angels freezes and Jack struggles with talking, "J-Julian... you're back?" I look at both of them, "Well, yeah. What are you two doing. Aaron told me you two were doing great." Jack sits down, "Please don't tell him." I shake my head, "How long have you two been doing this? Angel isn't doing this because she cares about you, I've seen her flirt with 2 other men eaelier today." Angel puts her clothes back on and walks towards the door but I stop her, "You're not leaving." She stops as she feels the knife to her neck. She sits down on a chair, "I won't tell Aaron, but if I see you two together again, even if you lay a finger on any other girl or boy, I will shoot you. And if I catch you with angel again, I will shoot both of you." I turn around and slam the door shut behind me. I get back into my room and crash down on the bed. I quickly drift off again.

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