2.1 The Hunter becomes

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Two years ago

Footsteps enter the mud. Soft snareing and moans from the undead fill the woods with noise. Water splashes as running feet go through puddles of mud and water. Heavy breathing as someone runs away from the undead. He's running. Even tough he's out here by choice. He could be inside walls, safe. He wants to be out here. As he crosses a rotten tree, he stops and hides inside the tree. He crawls further in as the moaning and snarling get louder. He waits and he waits. The snarling and moans get softer, and softer, and softer. Then, when the undead are all out of hearing range, he crawls back out. He continues sprinting. Not away from the dead, no, towards them. He's quiet. Real quiet. He walks behind the undead and stabs and slashes and he kills, until the snarling and moans are all gone. He sighs and catches his breath. But he doesn't realize that he wasn't the only one hunting. An arrow flies by, nearly hitting him. He doesn't think twice and runs. He dodges the arrows and then... the hunter lost track of the hunted. The hunter looks around, scanning the woods looking for any sign of movement. Then, in a bush, a thud and leaves moving. Could that be the undead? The hunter slowely goes to take a look. Then, from behind a tree a knife comes flying at the hunter's face. He's too late, he falls to the ground, with a knife stuck in his head. The killer reveals himself from behind the tree, he removes his hood. And we are all too familiar with him. Julian is trying to survive. He looks around, scanning for more victims, but there are none to be seen. He's out here for only one thing, for only one person. Regina. But as he continues running a loud bell eings through the woods. Julian runs as fast as he can until a bright light blinds him, he covers his eyes and stops. He slowely moves his hands away as his eyes get used to the bright light instead of the dark forest. He looks around and sees many faces he's never seen before, men and women armed to the teeth. Before he can do or say anything something hits the back of his head and everything goes black.

Somewhere in the woods
She keeps talking to herself. Saying that she shouldn't have smoked all those sigarettes. But she keeps running. Running away from the undead and the living. She didn't see if anyone is chasing her, but she knows she is. She did something, something evil. She keeps running eventhough she feels as if her throat and lungs are on fire. Then, suddenly she trips over something. Someone. He hits her in the back of the head and everything goes black. She wakes up in a different place, in some sort of cage. She looks around and sees all sorts of stuff, she can hear muffled voices, it's dark, a few bullet holes let just enough sunlight through that she realizes she's in a shipment cointainer. One of those big things they put on a boat. But little does she know she's not the only prisoner.

Julian opens his eyes and looks around. A few holes letting some sunlight into what seems to be the back of a truck. He bangs on the walls, hoping someone would be stupid enough to open the doors and Julian could kill them. But nodbody answers, instead a hatch in the roof opens and something falls down. Julian realizes it's some sort of bomb and falls to the ground, the blast sends him off flying into a wall and everything is shaky and he barely manages to get up. He sees the doors open and two people come storming at him with weapons, he doesn't hesitate and smacks one of them in the face, dropping them. The other smacks Julian against a wall and cuffs him. Then a bag gets put over his head. He gets guided away and he hears muffled shouting become clearer and clearer: "...and these, ladies and gentlemen are our champions. We managed to capture 16 people who seemed like they could handle themselves. Only two will survive." I hear cheers and and people shouting "What do you mean two?!" The man continues talking, "Yes my dear people. Our leader has been challanged again. Which means we have a full boat! Our 7 challangers will pick their champion and so will our allnighty leader! The remaining warriors who were not chosen will also fight to the death until only one remains. Like normal." "Like normal..." Julian repeats jokingly. The man continues shouting at the people which sound like there could be hundereds. He gets pushed up a small staircase. And then gets guided into a line. The man shouts again, "Number one was seen killing 2 of the undead with a single spear, he then took out one of the men trying to capture him. Number two was chopping a man's arms and legs off and didn't stop until we knocked her out..." he continues shouting about what the people did, until he says stuff that could only be one person, "...Number 17 was spotted killing 16 undead single handedly, he then killed one of our men with a throwing knife. He is fast, and k ows how to use a bow." Julian scoffs as he hears the last part. The man pauzes as he hears Julian, "Did you just laugh? Did you guys hear that?!" The people cheer in excitement, "Yea he did! He will surely be one of the top three in any of the two competitions." The man continues his shouting but number 18 is going to be Julian's target, "I hope number seventeen and eighteen are going to be in the same match, vecause these two have history. This woman was seen running out of community, with very strong walls. Which would seem very weird unless you did something. Number seventeen was spotted tracking her and he did not seem happy. But what has this woman done? We don't know, they do. She didn't do much to impress us, she did take out a few if the undead on her way, she seems strong and she has endurance. She will be tough to kill. And everyone knows it's better to be tough to kill, than that you can easily kill in this conpetition! Take of their masks and let our leader and the challangers pick their champion!" A gate opens and you can hear shouting and cheering. The masks get removed from Julian's and the others heads and the light blinds them. It's day. Julian looks to his right and sees Regina standing shoulder-to-shoulder to him he looks away from her and tries not to kill her. The man laughs loudly, "They definetly have some history. As everyone knows, the challengers get their champions appointed to by our mighty leader and he may also pick his own champion. After that they can train for two days and then the fighting starts." A buff man walks by the so called 'warriors' as the 'challengers line up behind him. He points at the warriors and they get guided away to their challengers. The challangers take over the guiding and they leave together. Regina gets appointed to the last challenger they leave as the man who explained the whole thing starts shouting something again: "Now who will our leader, Mack, choose?!" He walks by the remaining nine people. And stops infront of Julian, Julian stares him in the eye. He nods to the man and he and the whole crowd cheers, "He has chosen his champion! The archer!" He grabs Julian by the arm and guides him away...

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