It Was A First

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Hey everyone! New one-shot here and ready! Hope you guys enjoy this one!

(Natsu and Lucy are already dating)

Lucy pecked her boyfriend's nose, "So, what do you wanna do today?"

"Be with you, of course. But, I guess relax." He replied, intertwining their fingers.

"The Salamander wants to relax?" She cocked a brow.

"Mhm! I even have an idea!" He exclaimed, grasping her waist.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" She questioned as her boyfriend ran off to the kitchen.

"Gray gave me this idea actually. He says that whenever he and Juvia get the free time, they will take a bubble bath together in their bathing suits with champagne. It sounded pretty cool."

"But Natsu, we don't even drink."

"Yeah I know but, it's always good to try new stuff!" He grinned a toothy simper.

"How much alcohol is in champagne? Because I hear it could get you drunk pretty fast."

"Uh, I think it's twelve something."

"Alright, we'll try it. Than we'll see what'll happen than." Lucy sighed, a small grin gracing her lips. "I'm gonna go buy some."

Before Lucy could even grasp her bag, Natsu interrupted.

"Wait! I. . . Have champagne?" Natsu felt himself shrunk.

"Why do you have champagne?" Lucy turned to face him.

"What do you think Cana gave me for my birthday?" Natsu grinned with an obvious manner.

"True~" Lucy pondered.

"Wow, I didn't think you'll go this far," Lucy admired the red petals decorated around the tall tub underneath the window sill.

"And the moon is even at it's highest!" Natsu exclaimed, peering at her as she sauntered into the bathroom in a crimson bikini with black trims.

"This is beautiful Natsu." Lucy grinned warmly, a rosy blush cascading her fair cheeks.

Natsu admires her as his chin rested in his crossed arms. Her gorgeous flaxen locks that brandished loosely beyond her fair skinned shoulders and was brought up into a high messy bun. Her brunette glistening orbs that squinted the tiniest.

He rose up as she carefully dipped a toe in, Than another until she found the stone-materialized seat next to the wall.

"Okay! So, I have two flavors! Strawberry and apple!" He rose the two bottles up with a dazzling simper. "Which one?"

"I'll take strawberry, thank you." She gave an awkward and nervous chuckle.

"Me too!"

His eyes passed towards the strawberry labeled bottle. He flinched his neck away ever so slightly as he popped the cap off, watching a giggling Lucy clap her hands slowly with a rosy blanket caking her cheeks.

"What? Did I do something?" He grinned at her.

"No, it's just— it's adorable watching you pop something like that for the first time." She grinned towards him once more.

"You're one to talk about being adorable." He smirked, closing in on her as she smiled brightly, her nose shaded with a soft bubbles.

"Pour me a cup Dragneel."

He flinched away, an aghast look played along his face, "Whoa there! Demanding aren't we?"

"Yes! I wanna try it!" She exclaimed, a chuckle escaping her fair lips.

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