Story 2-Baby Names (Part 1)

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2Moon Mpreg Snippet


Baby Names (Part 1)

Kit just finished washing the dishes and when he comes out of the kitchen, he sees his silly husband deep in thoughts mumbling to himself and busy writing something.

Ming: Pizza? Mmmm, Milk? Nah. Wafer? Chip? Oh! Donut! Wait. Maybe Pinky will do. Or Sushi? Cookie? Ice or Cream? Pie? Mmmm. This is so difficult!

Kit frowns and sits beside him.

Kit: Why are you mumbling to yourself? And why do you have a list of food? You just ate you know.

Ming turns to his husband and smiles. His hand automatically caress the stomach nestling their unborn precious bundle. Kit fidgets. He is still shy when his husband smiles and touches their baby like that.

Ming: Kit-Kat, I love you and baby SO MUCH! *Ming lovingly lowers his face and caress the bulging stomach with his face*

Kit: Hey, back off! It's ticklish! *Kit pretends to push his husband away but is secretly enjoying the interaction*

Ming: So Kit-Kat, I was thinking of our baby's names. Look!

Ming passes the list he wrote to Kit. One scan and he feels his temper coming.

Kit: Mingkwan. We are not naming our baby after any food. Period.

Ming: *Whiny* But why?! These names are so cute! Na Na Na Na! Please? Look? If it's a girl, we have Milk and Cookie and if boy, we have Oreo or Wafer.

Kit: No. We are not naming our kid after food.

Ming: But why!? Why Na? Na na Na? Your name is a food too. It would be cute if Kit Kat Junior has a food name too.

Kit: Nope. And that's final. No food names.

Kit says sternly and notice that Ming's face changes into a sad doggy face. Suddenly Kit feels a little guilty.

Kit: Ming?

Ming continues pouting.

Kit: Mingkwan! Look at me.

Ming looks at his husband.

Kit: Look, food names are cute and all and I am happy you are thinking about this seriously but I already have a name in mind. It's not food though.

Ming stares at his husband still with a pout.

Kit: *Gaze softens and his own hands on his stomach* Kwan. I want to name this baby, Kwan. After its father.

Ming's face changes into a big happy smile. 


Ming hugs Kit tightly! Kit smiles.

-Few days later-

Beam: You definitely will not believe this! Forth wants to name our baby after stupid toolbox TOOLS! Like his first choices are Tool or Box!

Kit: Wow....

Beam: Yeah, and I have to threaten him. If he insists, he sleeps on the couch until our baby's born.

Kit: So, did he back down?

Beam: Yeah. We agreed on Gear.

Kit: Wow...

Beam: I hope it's a girl.


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